Chapter 25

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After Isaac's hunched figure had been swallowed by snow, and the rain had lashed at my face enough to sting my cheeks, Aaron finally put me down. As he did so, I whirled to him, shoving at his chest enough for him to take a step backwards.

"You killed him," I hissed, shock and anger writhing like venom in my voice. "How could you do such a thing? He was innocent Aaron."
Aaron only regarded me with slitted eyes. "He admitted he did it Renee. He murdered several children for the sake of spilling blood. Jail time wouldn't be enough to satisfy anyone." His lips thinned. "He deserved what he got."

I stared at him. At this boy who held my hands with such fragility. Whose fingers had slid over mine. Whose body had protected me from the harshness of reality. "You don't understand what you've done Aaron," I snapped. "This is manslaughter. You could go to jail for this."

He rounded me before replying. "No, I won't. Because you're not telling anybody."
I watched him trail back to town. I neared him again, pushing at his shoulder. "Who says I won't."
At this Aaron paused, halting in his tracks. He considered this for a moment before turning back to me. "You won't," he repeated. "And like I said before, even if you do, no one would believe you. Isaac is known for his behavioural issues. I'm nothing but a good student with excellent marks and a habit of completing random acts of kindness." His green eyes slitted on mine, his lips curving slightly. "Which would they believe? Isaac was wounded by one of his victims, or I shot him out of rage."
I watched him, incredulous. "I'll tell the Sheriff. I'll tell him everything."

Aaron arched an eyebrow. "Who? You, the girl who was caught roaming the woods at early morning hours? Who's being monitored and who was involved in two accidents that made you end up in hospital?" He sniggered, the noise soft but pointed. "They wouldn't believe you either."

I swallowed, despair writhing through me. He was right. And even if I did go to the station, I would have to speak to Pincel, and he wouldn't do anything out of spite. Plus, he would take the opportunity to murder me when he got the chance. Not even that, the entire towns police force was suspicious of me after my fake scenario involving 'Cassidy.'

"Why did you have a gun?" I asked, angling for a different approach. If I had proof he acquired a weapon, I could rat him out.

Aaron snorted, his eyes self-consciously trailing to where his weapon was hidden in his jeans pocket. "Everyone has a gun in Brookfield, they just never admit to it."

I thought about this. My father had a gun but that was partially for his occupation. I wasn't sure if the normal was to have such weaponry in an everyday household.

I swallowed my rising sense of unease. His answer, although dismissive, was a deflection.

"That doesn't mean you go around shooting people," I replied.

Aaron's eyes darkened. He clenched his jaw as he replied. "I was trying to protect you."
I shook my head, pure anger hissing through my veins like boiling water. "No Aaron, you don't get to be the person to play that act," I stepped towards him, levelling my gaze with his. "I don't need protecting, and I don't need you to depict me as someone who needed saving, especially when you're using it as an excuse to kill someone."

However, Aaron only took my anger as an insult. His face began to twist with fury. "What don't you understand Renee!" His voice rose above the wind. He ignored the rain trailing down his face, ruffling his fringe. "He killed people. He single handily sliced the throats of Amber, Francesca, and Colton not to mention the rest of those children. How can you even say that he wasn't going to hurt you?"

The Night ChildrenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora