Chapter 62

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"I lost my humanity soon after." He glanced up, his face pale against the moonlight. "The one thing that kept me human was gone and it was my doing. I took my anger out when I shifted, attacking anything in sight, disappearing from the pack for days on end." His eyebrows furrowed, his lips thinning into a frown. "Years passed and I had grown into something I loathed. I valued my wolf side more than my human. I knew if I shifted back I would be overridden with human emotions," He dropped his gaze again, staring at the dried blood that pooled around us. "But I didn't have the mentality for that."

I regarded him, taking in his troubled gaze, the rawness of vulnerability in his eyes. "So what did you do?"

Isaac swallowed before replying, his lips dry and cracked with blood. "I followed after your father. I never obeyed any orders that hurt tunids but I helped him establish pack boundaries and a home. But then he told me of his plans to overthrow the tunid world with me leading by his side. I couldn't let him destroy the world I once loved, so I turned against him." His gaze flickered back to mine and suddenly I was drowning in his tricoloured irises. "But before I left, I learnt of his only weakness. He told me of his long lost daughter living in the tunid world with the power of one hundred Alpha's trapped in the body of a human." He blinked against my gaze, his lips pulling into a frown. "I wanted to slaughter you the way he made me slaughter my parents. I wanted to slit your neck in front of him so all he could do was watch as your life seeped away," He dropped his gaze to stare at the snow around him. "I wanted to destroy the very thing that could destroy the world I loved."

I didn't know what to think, my mind was nothing but a flurry of thoughts. I stared at Isaac, watching as a haunted expression crossed his face, causing his pupils to narrow. "So you came to school." I breathed.

Isaac nodded, his face paling. "I didn't know what to do when I got to school, only that I needed to lure you away and take you to your father. But then I heard the Alpha had gathered a new Beta to fulfil the role I was too weak to endure."

"Aaron." I hissed, a sudden wave of anger sharpening my voice.

"I knew Aaron wanted to kill me, but something was holding him back. He wanted to know the powers you possessed as well, and allowed me to live so long as I gained your trust before delivering you to the Alpha."

I took this in, noticing the way Isaac licked his lips almost in a daze. "But if my father wanted me to wipe out human kind, why didn't he turn me sooner?"

"You have to be of age before he turns you. Legends say the First Descendant on their eighteenth birthday are at their strongest when the Paidi ceremony must be performed." He glanced at my wrist, looking down to see the two bite marks line my skin just below the pencil indent from Miss Anderson. "He could've performed the ceremony earlier which was his final plan but there was a high risk of killing you. The amount of power you will attain is enough to drive any powerful Night Child mad. But if it was successful, once the ceremony is performed, the disease will take over and you'll be reborn as the legends say you are."

I looked away, focusing on a snowflake that fell lazily from the air to land on my slackened fingers. It began to melt on my skin as it hit my blood caked palm.

This whole time I was destined to kill others – to kill everyone I loved. This entire time I was the problem, I was the one thing that would kill off this entire town. And I had thought that Pincel and Miss Anderson were the only evil beings in this world, when maybe it was really me.


I rose my head to see Isaac watching me, his golden hair tousled. He was trying to read me, trying to understand my thoughts by the way his jaw was clenched and his eyes darkened.

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