The Hunted Children

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"But why do I feel like those three words are nothing more than a lie?"

Renee managed to survive the wrath of the Pack and the Parade once, but was her victory worth the punishment that came next? The Parade, desperate for reconciliation, conduct the beginnings of The Arcade, killing off every werewolf until human kind remains what it always has been. Oblivious. While the Parade perform their games of survival, Renee and Isaacs relationship is stretched to the limit when Sebastian enters the scene - a perfect match to the stubborn Renee. But Renee is also challenged when Aleena wakes from her coma, but its not soon before they realise her coma wasn't really a coma at all...

Whats instore:

A book, an unspoken relationship, a disturbance..oh and death. Welcome to The Arcade. Think Hunger Games but werewolf style. Renee and Isaac are taken into custody by the Parade and must survive the games, with the knowledge that in the games, no one wins. Death is inevitable, and to win is to achieve the impossible. Can Isaac, now a human save Renee from her impeding doom. And can Renee see the clues right in front of her?

Action, tragedy, romance, drama, twists and fantasy come together in one novel to make The Hunted Children. 


They were coming. Great hulking figures, triple the size of a human. Their faces were stripped of emotion, their gaze as sharp as an eagle's talons. In their hands they carried weapons coated with silver, glinting in the moonlight.

Rain lashed at them, tempting them to flee into the shadows but they held their ground, their eyes unwavering from the barren landscape around them. They seemed tense, all frozen by the uncertainty of what came next. Some still wore the wounds of the past, their skin stretching over to scar into white tissue. Others displayed harsher consequences, a missing limb, a torn eye, a salvaged torso. But some still lay in the clearing, their bodies dragged away to be buried under the roots of the Olive Tree, their ashes spread among those who passed generations before.

Now those that were left stood tall, their hair pulled into braids to fall beneath their helmets. The tears from the grieving had long ago dried up – they were now replaced with revenge.

"Warriors, our time has come." A woman stood in front of them, her grey hair twisted into braids, laced with the black ribbon that was gifted to her during her Calling. Its ends were frayed, patches burned from previous battles, but she still wore it proudly.

"The Night Children have won this war, but it isn't without consequences." She gazed out among her warriors, taking in their lifeless expressions and sturdy stances. "We have fled for too long, it is time we destroy the Forsaken before the disease destroys tunid kind."
A younger woman stood beside the speaker, her dark eyes uneasy. Her hair was also in braids, woven with a grey ribbon that marked her allegiance to the Huntress. A whip remained coiled around her wrist, at the ready for anyone who dared question the commencing.

"Although the pack has divided and the Alpha is no more, they are stronger." The grey-haired woman continued, her voice booming around the rows of warriors who remained watching her, none daring to move. "They have the weapon of our people and the very creature that can destroy all of us."

The younger woman stiffened, her lips pulling into a frown, but she didn't speak her concerns.

"You all saw what the First Descendant was capable of, she was powerful enough to survive the poison of silver and grip the Parazonium, unharmed." Her gaze wavered to the younger woman, an unspoken message passing between them. "So we must do what our previous leaders have done."
All the warriors seemed to freeze, their faces draining of colour as if they knew the prosperity of her words.

Her eyes scanned her members, taking in every individual face until she took a long breath. "We must begin The Arcade."

For once, murmurs arose among the soldiers. Some glanced to one another with eager smiles, others shared unsettled looks.

"Huntress," An older boy took a step forwards from the front line, a long scar angling from his hairline to his cheek. "The Parade hasn't announced The Arcade for thousands of years."

The grey haired woman who was referred to as the Huntress rose an arched eyebrow. "The Forsaken haven't ever been this powerful for thousands of years." She snapped back, her voice echoing across the clearing.

The boy who spoke dropped his gaze, returning to his designated spot with a frown.

"The First Descendant is also among them," she called out, addressing the rest of her warriors. "The Parade has never had to deal with this monstrosity before."

"She is not among them," the younger woman behind the Huntress said, her voice quiet in comparison to her leaders, "She is only acquainted with the boy."The Huntress narrowed her eyes to turn on her heel towards the brown haired woman. "The boy who is a Night Child." She replied sharply, her gaze as sharp as her tone.But the woman only rose her head, her eyes flashing challengingly. "The Arcade will cause more destruction than it's worth."The tips of the Huntress's lips curved into a smile. It was one of falseness, one that pulled at her wrinkles so she looked more manic than humane. "Do you doubt my intentions Melissa?"The woman pressed her lips tightly together but then begrudgingly shook her head.

"If I recall correctly, you reported the boy dead," the Huntress continued, her voice laced in a taunt. "Did you not?"

The woman, Melissa, nodded. "Yes Huntress.""You also reported The First Descendant didn't perform the Paidi ceremony, is that correct?"

Melissa nodded again, her head ducked.

The Huntress arched another eyebrow but then returned to addressing the clearing. "My warriors, it will not be long before the pack will return for Renee. If they get a hold of her and perform the ceremony, tunid kind will be in horrendous danger." Her eyes swept over the rows of her Parade, taking in their scared faces, dried blood still caked in their wounds.

"The Arcade will wipe them out completely, and will also influence the Calling of younger members. It is time our Parade grew, and with it, the Forsaken will fall."

A few warriors let out small cheers of approval, however some remained silent. The Huntress stared them down, her smile dissolving into a frown within an instant.

"This is our duty, as the Parade, we must eliminate the disease before it infects all of the innocent. We lost too many lives recently, it is time we claim back the ones we lost."More cheers erupted around the clearing, however Melissa remained silent.

"Parade members, we must start preparing for the games," Her voice rose, with several more cheers following it. "We must prepare for the blood we will spill. We must prepare for our victory."

The clearing echoed with the cries of the hopeful. Warriors swung their crimson stained weaponry, the colour returning to their cheeks.

The Huntress turned to Melissa, her eyes glintingwith menace. "So I ask, are you prepared for war?"

I plead with you, I was never like this.

I dare say you look at me like you've forgotten who I used to be

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