Chapter 26

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Nobody deserves to die, especially not you.

I skidded to a halt, spraying snow in my wake. I couldn't leave Isaac. Not again. Not ever.

I spun to see Isaac tilt his head to the oncoming wolves, a challenge in his eyes. However, I could see the blood stain his lips, the weakness in his stiffened bones.

Without thinking, I raced back to him, yanking at his shoulders to propel him forwards. I heard him mutter a hiss of frustration before he shoved me away. Sucking in a breath, I stared at him.

His eyes were wild. Yellow. In humane. "I said run!" he yelled, shoving me forwards. I knew the strength of his pushes were out of urgency, not anger.

I narrowed my eyes onto his, feeling my hands clench by my side. "I'm not leaving you, not again."

He looked lost, his pupils dilating before he opened his mouth to utter a response. Sudden thundering movement interrupted his words. We both glanced in horror to see the wolves running, their heads bent against the wind as they rained down on us. Each wore looks of fury, their muzzles curled back into a snarl, canines flashing. I was struck by their obvious beauty and lethalness. Creatures who often danced in the shadows, now surged towards us, crashing through the snow like a cut slashing across skin.

Swallowing, I whirled to Isaac who was crouched on the ground, clutching his wound.

"Get up," I snarled, seizing his arm to pull him upwards. He obeyed, allowing himself to be helped before he staggered to his feet.

"Renee, I said—"

"Stop talking," I argued, my words nothing but a whisper against the wind.

Isaac pressed his lips together, searching my eyes with his wild, inhumane irises. I couldn't look at them for too long. I had seen eyes like that before. Those eyes had once held mine as I was torn to shreds. Those eyes gave me the scar on my wrist twelve years ago.

The wind howled, whistling curses into our ears. Isaac made a movement forwards, only to sway. I barely managed to catch him as he sank all his weight onto my shoulder. I felt my knees crack from the pressure, and I clenched my jaw as I stabilised him against me.

I heard the wolves near, their yips of excitement like knives driving into our backs. Isaac glanced in their direction before turning to me. I could see the plea in his eyes, the desperation for me to leave him.

I wouldn't. This was our fight.

"Renee." His voice was too light, too weak. I could sense it in the way his arms shook, his skin faded into a sickly grey. "I can't—"

Blood flowed from his mouth and he spluttered. Ignoring the rise of fear, I nudged him forward. The wolves would be onto us. The wolves were coming. They were coming. Death was coming.

But he stopped us in our tracks, his curls rippling down his face.

"Isaac—" I began but he cut me off, his lips stained crimson.

"I'm so sorry Renee," he whispered, his eyebrows creasing to form deep crevices on his forehead. "I can't survive this."

It was like death had taken him already. He had given up. I could already see the flash of hopelessness in his eyes.

It was at his confession when I turned in time to see the leading grey wolf take a flying leap towards us, its mouth agap to flash rows of pointed teeth. I didn't have time to think before I swerved, dropping to the ground in a roll. The snow blocked the movement and I landed heavily on my side.

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