Chapter 34

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I didn't think leaving a class unattended was such a good idea, especially if Aaron and Isaac were there by themselves but Miss Anderson quickly shut down my attempts at speaking as she gestured for me to sit down in the chair I hated so much. The last time I had been here was when I was introduced to Isaac, and then when I sat down to learn what my community service was. I swallowed numbly, it seemed like so long ago but at the same time it felt like a blink of an eye.

Miss Anderson sat down in her massive chair and swung it to face me. I noticed when she took me into her office, she had subtly locked the door behind her. My nerves were jumping on end because of this, and I couldn't help but scan my gaze across her desk, looking for any weapons I could use if she tried anything. I didn't trust her at all, but at the same time I couldn't refuse her. I wanted to hear what she had to ask me, despite the fact she was dangerous, I knew she wouldn't try anything after the last time I jarred her knee. Well, at least that's what I hoped.

"Renee." She said quietly although her voice was sharp.


Her eyes flashed, and she leaned forwards in her seat, eyeing me with a look of disgust.

"Show me your arm."

I looked at her in surprise, taken completely off guard. I definitely did not expect her to say anything like that, but then again, when did she ever do anything expected?

"No." I said sternly, self-consciously wrapping my free hand around my bandage. I almost felt the grinding of her teeth as she gritted them.

"Let me see." She said sharply. I gave her a revolted look and pressed my hand closer to my body.

"I said no."

She brought her hand down across her desk, the noise of its contact ringing dramatically around her office. I didn't even flinch.

"I said show me!" She yelled, her face a twisted canvas of darkness. I stood up from my seat but she followed the movement. I glanced sidewards at the door but I knew I wouldn't be able to get to it without Miss Anderson reaching me.

"What is your problem." I said, attempting to distract her as I angled towards the door but she took a step closer to me, rounding her desk so she was only a metre away.

"I told you already I know what you are Miss Argent." Her voice was like a snakes, a hissed undertone of evil. "Your one of them and I can prove it." With lightning fast movements, she whipped a hand out, tearing off my bandages in one swift second. I gasped and stepped backwards to avoid her touch but she had already filled the distance. She gripped my injured arm, her fingers like steel against my wrist. She pulled, spinning me so my back was pressed against her stomach, her arms held tightly against mine. I was trapped.

I let out a cry but not before she had pressed her other hand around my mouth. She caught sight of my arm, the thin scar a vibrant white, its trailing line standing out like snow against dirt.

"I knew it." She breathed softly. I looked at my arm in shock. I hadn't unwrapped the bandage since last night when I changed it, and back then blood still oozed out of the cut. But now it had closed over rapidly, looking like a wound that had healed weeks ago.

I felt my knees tremble but I took Miss Andersons distraction as an opportunity and sank my teeth into the soft skin of her palm. She let out a hiss and released her hand from around my mouth. I was still pressed up against her stomach, her other hand clutching me with incredibly strength. I jerked my head back and smacked it right against her forehead, white light bursting over my vision. I quickly blinked it away, ignoring the beginnings of a dull ache in my temple as Miss Anderson reeled back, loosening her grip to press her hand against her forehead. Something came over me then. It was like the beginnings of anger flooded through my veins, boiling my blood. She had hurt me plenty of times before, now it was my time to hurt her.

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