Chapter 47

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"No!" I yelled struggling towards him but Pincel speared towards me, grabbing me from behind and shoved me in my seat. I squirmed against his grasp but his fingers were like steel. "He is innocent!"

But no one was listening. The whole court house was up in a riot, with people yelling to one another, some pointing at the Judge saying he was a fraud but others were cheering as officers dragged Isaac away. I caught one last glimpse of him as he walked away, his head was ducked, his golden gaze fixed firmly on the ground in front of him. Pincel was smiling at me, the movement causing his lips to twist over his teeth. But it wasn't a smile of glee. It was a smile of craze. A smile so mad and hysterical that it yanked his face into a plastic like manner. He looked manic, his crease lines similar to a clowns as he chuckled under his breath at my pitiful struggles. I glared at him, feeling the blood boil. "I know what you are." I spat, ensuring to spit into his eyes like I had done previously but he seemed unfazed. He was still caught up in the moment, his eyes lightening with anger.

"Just because you know what I am doesn't mean you can do anything about it." He said under his breath.

"You sentenced your own kind." I hissed, attempting to rip away the arm he clutched with his bony fingers. "Where is your humanity?"
But Pincel only blinked, his gaze shifting with thought. "Isaac is not my kind." He lashed, his eyes darkening with sudden hatred. "He will never be one of us."

My breath hitched in my throat as I stared at him, my mouth open in complete shock.

But then it seemed to click for Pincel and his smile widened drastically. His fingers on my arm tightened as he leaned over me. "Is that what he told you?" He laughed under his breath, sending the hairs on the back of my neck to rise. "I never took you as the oblivious type Renee."

I only stared, trying to wrap my head around his confessions.

"Isaac wasn't lying about being the murderer." He said, his voice as light as air. His eyes searched mine, brown mixing with black as he studied me. I could see his white scar evidently, a pale curse against his golden skin. "Blood truly has stained his hands. He was there when Colton's life was taken from him. He watched as Ambers body was torn apart. He is not who you think he is; he is nothing but a liar."

"No." I spat back, shaking my head against his devilish gaze. "You are wrong. He would never-"

"Kill anyone?" Interrupted Pincel, his face looming closer to mine. He chuckled again, his eyes flaring with glee over my shock. "You would be surprised what he is capable of." He glanced over at the broken clock, the empty dagger mark like a scar of falsehood. "But I do have to admit," he turned back to me, tilting his head. "He had me fooled."

There was something beneath his eyes. Like an ancient secret that he only knew. He shook the expression away, his smile faltering. "Just because we didn't manage to get you behind bars doesn't mean we won't stop until you get what you deserve."

I clenched my jaw, feeling my cuffs dig into my wrists. "I don't deserve anything."

But Pincel snorted, an almost childlike action. "Gia tous lýkous eínai oi oikistés tou dásous. "For the wolves are the familiars of the forest." He said, his voice like a bullet as it speared directly into my heart. "Allá ta paidiá nýchta ensomatónoun trómo se aftoús pou zoun. But the Night Children embed horror in those who live."

I only stared, numbness stilling my struggles. Harry had said that exact greek translation earlier, but Pincel was the first to finish the phrase.

"The Night Children?" I echoed, forgetting my anger for Pincel. Confusion raked through me, causing Pincels smile to stretch even further.

"Do not pretend to know nothing Renee, surely you would know the true name of your own kind."

The Night ChildrenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora