Chapter 56

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"Why if it isn't the man himself," Aaron mused, gesturing with his hands as if he was welcoming Isaac. Isaac only regarded him icily, his pupils narrowed to slits.

"I didn't realise you had a kink for domestic violence Aaron." Isaac spat sarcastically, "But then again, that probably explains why you slaughtered your own parents."

Aaron's face flushed, from anger or shame, I didn't know. "I thought the Alpha would have killed you by now." He stated, bluntly ignoring Isaac's last comment.

Isaac shook his head lightly with the tilt of his lips. "It seems he has other priorities."

Aaron rose an eyebrow in response but Isaac continued lightly.

"Like avoiding The Huntress." Isaacs gaze flickered to mine and then his eyes landed to see the blood stained snow around my leg. Immediately his entire face changed, his eyes darkening, his jaw clenching. Every detail on his face seemed to sharpen, almost like the tip of a shadow cut through his features so I was left to stare at something wildly dangerous.

"What did you do to her?" He hissed, taking a few steps forwards, his hands clenching into balled fists by his side.

Aaron glanced in my general direction, his face showing little emotion. "She managed to do that herself." He said plainly, completely ignorant of the fuming Isaac that stood metres away from him.

I struggled to get up but then a blur of motion halted my moves and I glanced up to see Aaron reach for a gun in his back pocket. I felt my eyes widen in realisation. It was the same gun he has used to shoot Isaac. Only now the barrel was pointed at me.

I saw Isaac shudder in his spot, his face slackening in fear.

"Don't move," Aaron hissed, clicking the gun so his fore finger rested on the trigger. I instantly froze, not even daring to breathe. I tried to look away from the gun to watch Isaac. His eyes were particularly ablaze tonight, his tricoloured irises lightened with gold. I could tell he was deep in thought, his eyebrows drawn together.

"You wouldn't press the trigger on me," I said angrily, attempting to raise my voice above the wind. "You need me for your army."

A flash of surprise crossed Isaac's face and he quickly glanced over in my direction with a questioning look.

"Not just that," Aaron put in cheerily, a knowing smile starting to creep onto his lips. "I need you to be my mate."

"Your what?" Isaac said, his voice low but it was as sharp as whip. If it was directed at me I would've shrunk into my own shadow but Aaron only tilted his head up higher, almost in a challenge.

"My mate," He repeated, an arched eyebrow perched over his gleaming eyes. "She would be under my influence, controlled with my dominance. She would provide for me, and I will lead the army that she has power over." He paused to give Isaac a devious look, his grin sliding over his face, his dimples flashing. He looked manic with his pitless eyes and crazed smile. He flashed a toothy smirk at Aaron, "She would be my bitch."

Isaac had reached Aaron before I had managed to register he had moved at all. There was a sound of a thud and Aaron had flown backwards, rolling to his feet to my left. He touched his stomach where Isaac had struck him, his smile slipping off his lips so he was left to scowl.

"You're going to regret that Jackson." He whispered, his voice lethal and deadly. His gun had slipped to fall in the snow beside Isaac and he picked it up, twisting to point it directly at Aaron's heart.

"Will I?" Isaac said carelessly, a tiny smile playing at the corner of his lips. Aaron's confident aurora faltered, however he didn't refrain from spitting in the direction of Isaac. Isaac regarded him carefully, his eyes travelling over his flushed face and ruffled hair. In a swift second the sound of snapping metal filled the clearing. Isaac dropped the remains of the gun at his feet, his smile broadening. "Weapons are for the weak. Let's settle this the right way."

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