Drive safe kids!

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Notes: just a lil something to crush your soul. There will be multiple of these stories, but I will still be posting different stuff as well. So if you don't want to read this series or something just skip past the stories that are titled, The Crash and then the part. Enjoy :)))

Edit: yeah um never mind this is probably just a one shot unless people want more sooo...

Peters phone rang.
He didn't know what was about to happen.
It was Natasha, " Peter." Her voice sounded all too sad as peter walked down the school hall. It was mostly empty. "What happened?!" Peter said already expecting the worst.

He had gotten a call like this before. " I'm sorry peter, I'm sorry I'm telling it to you like this- I'm coming to pick you up." Peters heart stopped, " who is it?" He could almost hear Natasha's sorrow, " Peter- it was... it was Tony."

Peter didn't respond.

She said was.

Not is.

Natasha quickly said, " Stay on the phone peter- I'm coming to pick you-" Peter ended the call.


This was a dream.

It was another nightmare. He felt everything around him muffle away as he slid down against a locker.

His phone was buzzing. He didn't answer.


This wasn't happening. Not again. He found himself staring at a poster that said, " Drive safe students!" ... is that how it happened, he wondered before going back to no.

It couldn't have happened. Peter didn't notice as the bell rang. Soon crowds of people were pushing by. A few said something like, what's with him? Or, he's strange.

He didn't listen.

He couldn't think. He felt a lump in his throat. No. It couldn't-he couldn't. Not again. He sat there doing nothing. He felt a single tear slid down his cheek.

No. No no no, he thought.

A few people whispered as they passed by him and he thought he heard someone mutter, oof. Flash passed him by and kicked him saying, " Realized you suck?"

Peter just stared at that damned poster.

He sat there saying nothing. No. It couldn't- how? Flash stood there, " Hey?! I'm talking to you!" That's when Natasha came rushing in, " Peter?! Peter. It's okay. I've got you."

Flash seemed confused and angry. How did peter know Black Widow. Peter finally said, " No. Tasha... no." He trembled.

Natasha looked at him with sadness all over her face, " I'm so sorry peter." Peter let another tear slide as he realized it was true, " No. no no- he can't. He's not- no!" He said it with more urgency this time.

Natasha let a small tear slip, " You don't deserve this peter... don't worry peppers safe and so is Morgan. They're coming." Flash was furious about not knowing what was going on but stayed silent.

All of the sudden a little girl (Morgan) ran up and thrust herself on peter. Pepper followed looking sad and disheartened. There was a small crowd that none of them seemed to notice. 

Morgan was crying, " Petey where's daddy? I wanna see Daddy." Peter realized it was all true. Tony was dead. He started sobbing pulling the girl in tightly, " It's gonna be okay Morgan. I'm going to protect you no matter what." Natasha shooed the crowd away with one deathly stare.

"Peter... let's go home." Peter lifted up the little girl in his arms as they both sobbed, " I want daddy. Please petey." The girl sobbed harder. An hour later peter heard that tony had died of a car crash. That damn poster. He was gone.


Super hero's couldn't come in and fix it this time.

He was gone.


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