Adverse Childhood Expirences: Featuring Peter Parker!

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A/N: Peter is nine in this story. I'm reading it over and I feel like he should be nine.
okay these notes aren't necessary so you don't have to read them but this might help you understand the story more practically.
Okay every summer I spend time working with ace kids. Ace stands for adverse childhood experiences. Lots of the kids will have had experiences with emotional neglect, physical neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse, or a death in the family (sometimes from suicide) at an early age. Peter obviously fits in to the ace children category, because of multiple deaths in his family, including one he has to watch. Now that we've established he is an ace child most likely, he has to have the effects. One of the biggest effects is emotional impairment, which can mean a lot of different things. Mood swings can be more common, outlashes are also more common, they definitely have more of a fight or flight mode, less respect for adults can be shown, especially if they have watched there parents fight, the child will either become attached very, very easily, or not attach to anyone, and keep closed to themselves. Also I find that ace children are either very open about their personal life (ex: explaining when and how a loved one killed themselves) or do not tell you anything ever. Other side effects could be mental disabilities, social phobia/problems, and sometimes early death (which doesn't pertain to this story).

Okay with all that said, I'd like to say I'm not a doctor of any sorts, an in no way an expert on the topic, I know the basics, so if I got something wrong, just let me know.


Peter had been adopted after May had died, by Tony and Pepper. It had been almost a year since May had died, but only a few days since he had been adopted. They were all at the dinner table, eating Chinese takeout when peter said, " I love mom and dad." Pepper and Tony's heads flicked up to look at peter. They had wide grins on their faces.  They knew Peter had adverse childhood expirences, but they hadn't expected peter to say I love you so quickly, but they didn't mind. "We love you to peter." Tony said, still a wide smile on his face. A few more minutes went by of casual talk when tony spoke up, " So the rogues, are getting better every day, and, Fury said that I should move them back in, and I wish I didn't have to, but I do. What I'm trying to say is the rogues are coming back to live here."

A frown grew on peters face, "Fuck." He muttered. This is where tony and Pepper looked at Peter in shock. Had there fourteen year old kid just sworn?! In front of them?! Pepper tried to sooth him, " Hey Peter it will be okay, it's going to be fine, but remember, we don't try to use that language here."

Peters brow was furrowed, "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." He said, purposely ignoring what Pepper had said. He got up and headed towards his room. "I hate this!"

When peter got into his room and calmed down, he realized what he had done. "Oh, no no no no no no." Tony and Pepper probably hated him after all that. He needed to be good. He needed to be better.

He started crying, which turned into sobs. Violent sobs shook his body. He didn't want to go back into the system. He couldn't go back. He hated the few months he was there while the paperwork was being done for him to be Tony's kid. Ms. Parten was mean and she always yelled at him. He had blown his only chance. He was crying so hard he hadn't heard Pepper come into the room. "Peter, why are you crying?" Peter looked up at Pepper and tried to stop his crying, " Because I messed up. You don't want me anymore, because I- I was so rude. I-I'm sorry."
Pepper rubbed Peters back, " Its okay Peter, we still love you, we aren't going to get rid of you- ever... I know it's going to be hard to live with the others, but they're so much better now, and they're actually trying to get better. They're good people pete. Trust me."

Peter nodded, "Sorry I got mad."

Pepper smiled, "It's okay."

"But peter, I have to tell you, they have to come tomorrow. Fury didn't really give us much of a notice."

Peter frowned but nodded, "I don't want them to kill dad."

This is when Tony walked in, "You okay Pete?"

Peter nodded, "I just don't want them to kill you."

Tony smiled, "Dont worry they won't kill me."

Peter smiled and hugged Tony close, "Okay."

:-_-: this is Marta, the time skip. She claims to be Spider-Man's long lost cousin. She is not.
So it's the next day. Yep.

The elevator dinged, "that's them!" Pepper called.

Tony went over to the elevator as Pepper got Peter. Peter sat down on the couch with Tony and Pepper across from the avengers.

Peter looked at his lap saying nothing.
Tony started talking, "Well hey everyone! Nice to see you not trying to kill me... okay... Well you all know this is Pepper, and this is my son Peter."
The rogues smiled. Steve started off, "Hey Peter, I'm Steve."

Peter didn't look up from his lap. He didn't like the rogues. They tried to kill his dad. Just like his first dad had died.

"I'm Natasha!" Natasha said.

Peter still didn't look up.

Pepper rubbed Peters back, "Hey Pete, what's wrong?" Pepper asked softly. She knew how to handle this.

Peter didn't say anything.

"Are you angry?"

Peter gave the slightest shake of his head, still saying nothing.

"Are you sad?" Pepper asked.

Peter did nothing so she took that as a yes.

"Are you sad because the avengers are here?"

Peter slightly nodded, just barely.

"Is it because you think they're going to fight dad?"

Peter didn't do anything.

"Peter? Is that it?"

Peter finally gave a slight nod.

"Hey listen, it's okay. They aren't going to hurt him. Look he's right there, he's safe."

Peter lifted his head up to look at Tony who smiled, "Peter do you want to try this later, or keep going?"

"Do it later." Peter whispered.

Tony nodded, "Do you want to watch a movie in my room, and we can try after that?"

Peter nodded, and he and Tony walked away.

Steve sighed, "Pepper, I'm trying my hardest here, can't your kid get over himself. I mean, that's a bit dramatic for his age don't you think."

This is when Pepper got annoyed, "He's an ace kid Steve. He's had adverse childhood experiences, such as watching all of his family die. First his parents when he was five then his uncle two years ago, and now his aunt just under a year ago. And he's only nine. So I'm so sorry that he isn't thrilled to meet someone who tried to kill another one of his family members, and I'm so sorry that he has a mental disability."

Steve looked ashamed, "I'm sorry Pepper I didn't-"

Pepper brushed it off, "Its Fine, just be nice to him, he's a sweet kid."

Um so that's how we're ending it? Yea... if you want a part two I'll do it...


Later my gators 🐊

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