time stone part two

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A/N: Things are going to be different than the movie, because I do not have time to write a four hour movie into this story. Also go read part 1 before reading this if you haven't already, it won't make any sense.

It had been almost five years since the snap.

Tony was working in his lab. A small picture of Peter sat next to him. He missed the kid, of course he did. But it was over. They lost. And this was just life.

Suddenly a hologram screen popped up and started glitching. It was the one that was hooked up to Peters suit.

Tony jumped, "Damn thing must be glitching, hasn't been used in so long."

But right after he said that, the glitching started saying words, "It's day one- chhkk zzztt- completely-zz-alone- zzk chhzt- blown up zztk chzzzzz- sta- zz- rving and zzztchh- bzzzzz-"

Tony had jumped back looking at the thing. It was Peters voice.

Suddenly it started working. The camera, the sound everything.

Tony looked at the date. It read today. Live.
Down to the minute.

"It's... Day... I don't know. I'm- I'm still out here. I'm beginning to realize I'm going to die here... Soon. I'm going to die soon." Peters face was dirty with blood and dirt. He looked exhausted as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Tony's eyes stayed fixed on the screen.

"I'm still- I'm still out here. Someone... Please see this-" Peter coughed up blood. "If you see this... I'm sorry... If there's someone out there... I don't think it's better than where I am... And- this feels like... hell."

Tony wanted to cry, scream, something, but he couldn't. The screen fizzed out after Peter had obviously turned off the camera.

"They're alive. In... The time stone." Tony sat frozen as he realized Peter was out there as he sat in his lab.

He slowly pressed a button that calls all the avengers for emergencies.

Half an hour later Tony was still sitting in shock, as all the avengers got there.

"So what's this about. You know the team disbanded years ago." Natasha said, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Tony slowly remembered he had to talk now, " They're- They're still out there." He said.

"Who, Tony? Listen you need to talk so we can help. You look like you saw a ghost, what's going on." Clint said.

"They're alive. The people. Half the... All the people who died- everyone! They're still out there! They've been alive this whole time. I- I think they're in the Stone. The time stone. It's like only a few days have passed for them."

Steve looked at Tony, worriedly, "Tony, I think you need some rest. Everyone who died, died. We saw them, remember."

Tony shook his head, "No... No they're alive. I-"

Bruce cut him off, "Guys... I don't know how Tony figured that out but... He could be right. Thanos never said they would die. And the time stone is outside of time, so what feels like five years to us... Might only be days to them. Everything Tony's saying makes... Sense."

"How'd you... Think of something like that Tony. It's been five years."

" I saw... Peters mask cam. It came on- on the screen. It was live on the screen-"

Tony brought it up on the screen. This time if started from day one.

""Hey, it's Peter. If anyone find this... Well I don't know, I'm probably dead. I don't know  where I am... It looks like some wierd apocalyptic wasteland. I'm all alone... It didn't look like there's any food or water, so with my powers, I think I'll last... Six days? Maybe less. So... Yeah I'll keep you updated"

It cut to day four.

"It's day... Four. Or maybe it's still day three, or still day one... I'm so hungry it hurts. My head is throbbing and I have cuts from all this trash. I'm..." Peter paused to cough violently causing everyone to flintch but Tony who just sat there. "I'm starting to think about if there's radiation here. It looks like this whole place was blown up so-" He coughed again, and took a slow breath, "It... Wouldn't be surprised."

I cut to day five.

" It's... Day... I don't know. I'm- I'm still out here... I'm beginning to realize I'm going to die here... Soon. I'm going to die soon. I'm still- I'm still out here. Someone... Please see this-" Peter coughed up blood, "If you see this... I'm sorry... If there's someone out there... I don't think it's better where you are than where I am... And-" he coughed, "This feels like... Hell."

It fizzed out to a blank screen again.

"Tony. That's today. That was made today." Natasha said, shocked.

Tony nodded unable to speak. He hadn't heard the kids voice in years. He hadn't seen the kid in years. And now, put of the blue, here he is.

"But then how can we get them back?" Clint asked.

There was silence for a moment.

"We have to find Thanos and get the stones back." Natasha finally said.

No one wanted to face Thanos again. No one wanted to ever think about him again.

"Let's do it."

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