a real school expirence

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"Do you think the rumor is true?"

"It might be... We are a science and tech school."

"I hope it is, I mean, this is every teens dream!"

"Yeah, it would be super cool to meet him, and even get to know him."

"This sounds like the start of a literal y/a wattpad fanfic!"

"He's probably a douche like his dad."

"He isn't going to hang out with you scholarship kids." Guess who just said that last one.

"Shut up Flash, at least Ned and I got in because of our actual smarts, and not 'daddy's money'." MJ snapped back, "Besides, you would never survive on the streets of New York that we go on. That ultimately makes us superior." MJ snapped, successfully silencing Flash, but not before he rolled his eyes.

Yes, that was all the talk at Midtown Tech.

A rumor had spread around that Tony Starks son, Peter Stark was going to start attending their school.

Peter was pretty famous, even with no social media. He was on Ms. Mojo, Top ten, too many tabloids and magazines to count, and he was regularly referenced in modern television. Teenagers all seemed to think he was the coolest, best person around. He was like the Timothy Chalamet of this universe, the Tom Holland, the Shawn Mendes, the Harry Styles.

Anyway, the rumor wasn't actually a rumor, but no one knew that yet.


"Hey Petey Pumpkin, you ready for your first day at school?!" Tony asked, sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast, obviously trying to embarrass Peter.

"Yeah, I'm really excited to see other kids my age rather than Shuri, Wanda and Harley when he visits. No offense Wanda." Peter ignored his dad's attempt to embarrass him.

Wanda shrugged, "I get it."

For some reason all the avengers had come bright and early to visit, conveniently forgetting it was Peter's first day.

"Don't let any kids mess with ya. Trust me they aren't worth it." Steve said, setting down his coffee cup.

Natasha smiled, slightly amused, "I don't think there are going to be many kids eager to mess with Iron Man's son, buuut, don't let kids try and harass you for autographs and pictures."

Peter laughed bashfully, "Oh, they won't do that."

All of the avengers found it amusing, and quite entertaining that Peter never seemed to realize he was famous. He was really down to earth, like he still lived in that little apartment in Queens that he had left so many years ago.

"Seriously Pete, if anyone tries anything on you, don't hesitate to call for us to pick you up." Pepper said.

"Or beat someone up." Bucky added, earning a glare from Pepper.

"You know I remember highschool days, all the ladies attached to my hip." Rhodey smiled lightly, leaning back in his chair.

Tony snorted, "Right."

Peter was now scrambling to eat the last of his waffles.

"Peter, don't listen to all these guys about the social thing, do it for the science!" Bruce said, with a little too much excitement.

"This is going to be an amazing expirence, full of new opportunities! Like getting to work with more common lab tools, it will help you learn to use your resources and-"

"Homecoming and Prom!" Clint interupted, "The height of highschool culture, that is, with the acception of Friday night lights."

Peter gave a confused look towards Clint while Bruce groaned.

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