Five second rule

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A/N: I was inspired when my cookie fell on the floor and I picked it up, brushed it off and said, call me gross, but I'm eating my cookie. Yea. Peter was adopted by Pepper and Tony a week ago, and they don't know about his situation in his group home. K enjoy :))

Peter was standing in the kitchen, eagerly watching the oven. Steve and Bucky has made cookies and they were about to be ready. Of course Steve and Bucky were waiting, as well as  Natasha, Clint, Tony, and Pepper. Wanda was gone as well as Thor.

The oven finally beeped, and all conversation came to a halt as Steve pulled the cookies out with pink oven mits. Everyone watched as he set each cookie on the cooling rack.

"We should wait a minute for them to cool just a bit." Steve said. Everyone groaned and Steve protested, "Don't come crying when you burn your tongue!"

Tony rolled his eyes and snatched a cookie, "Watch me." Then he took a huge bite, which resulted in him screaming through a full mouth then spitting out the steaming cookie in the trash a drinking three glasses of freezing water.

Peter couldn't help but laugh with Clint. So everyone waited ten minutes for the cookies to cool, and then they quickly all grabbed their share of the cookies.

Peter grabbed two and shoved down the first,  but then took his time on the second. He was eating it carefully when he dropped in on the kitchen floor. He quickly grabbed it and started eating it.

Clint smiled, "Your gonna eat it? It dropped on the floor."

Peter froze, then shoved the cookie in his mouth, tears forming in his eyes. He swallowed and quickly started talking, "Yeah, I don't care if you think I'm gross, or disgusting or a slut or a worthless bitch, o-or a piece of f*cking shit. I don't care I just want my cookie! I'm so hungry I just want my cookie! I- I don't care what you think!" Peter had started to scream at the end.

When he was finished he started to cry uncontrollably. He was so hungry. He never got food at the group home. All he got at the group home where insults. Screams directed at him. Because he was disgusting.

Everyone looked at Peter with concern, after his blow up. Tony rushed to Peters side as Peter cried, "I'm so hungry, stop yelling at me. Stop insulting me! I want to be worth it! I just wanna eat!"

Tony realized what was going on. He had figured something happened at Peters group home, because he never talked about it. When Tony had gone to visit all the kids seemed scared, and all the adults seemed to have a mask on.

"Peter I-" Clint started, looking in confused horror at the sobbing boy. Tony put a hand up to stop Clint.

Tony rubbed Peters back and held him close, "It's okay Peter, its okay. You aren't at the group home. You can eat now. We love you so much Peter. You can eat."

Peter started to calm down his breath still jagged.

Tony kept talking, "We love you and your worth it. You are worth everything in the world Peter. You can eat whatever you want."

Peter calmed down and whispered, "Thanks dad."

Then Peter looked over to Clint, "I'm sorry Clint... I didn't mean to scream or cry.... it wasn't because of you. I- I wasn't yelling at you."

Clint looked understanding, "Peter, can I ask who you were yelling at?"

Peter inhaled, "Mr. Smith. H-he was our foster home director... or parent or whatever... he- he just yelled at us sometime and it... it hurt."

"Why would be yell?" Tony asked calmly.

"If I ate too much then he would yell at me for being fat... and then he would take my food away for a while. Sometimes if we did something wrong he would beat us up... but it wasn't too bad. I just made sure he hit me instead of the other kids."

Tony smiled, "I love you Peter."

Peter looked at Tony confused, "Really?"
Tony's heart broke. He really didn't understand that Tony loved him.

"Of course Peter. I will always love you."

Peter smiled, "huh." He looked as if he was trying to figure out a new concept.

"And Peter, you can tell us anything, you know that right?" Tony finished.

Peter nodded, "I will."

Tony hugged Peter close for a good ten minutes, only letting go after realizing he need to let Peter breath.

The end.

Later my gators 🐊

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