I'm a bad- ack!

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A series of events where Peter is a bit clumsy.

Peter was sitting in the living room with the avengers, and they all were trying to lift Thor's hammer, when Peter tried. He had accidentally picked it up before, and now that he knew what a big deal it was he figured he should show them.

He picked it up easily, earning all the avengers gasping and Tony jumping around telling, "That's my son!"

Peter smiled and tried to look even more cool, which didn't end well...

"Yeah guys I'm a bad-" Before he could finish he almost dropped the hammer, "Ack!"

Peter was walking into the kitchen not realizing that Steve was mopping, and the floor was wet.

He did however see Steve and took the chance to annoy him, "What's up mother-" This is when Peter fell.


Steve was happy. He didn't have to say language. But Steve was sad. Peter got hurt.


Peter was running down the hall in school when Flash yelled, "Sup orphan."

Peter calmly called back, "I don't give a shi-" This is when Peter didn't notice the wet floor sign, and didn't fall, but went sliding down the hall, for an incredibly long time.
"Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..." This one you really couldn't tell if he ended up swearing or not. Even if he did know one would actually know, since they didn't hear the first part.

A/N: that's all folks. I've been super busy with school, and homecoming is coming up, which is very time consuming, and homework and all that. I'm going to keep trying to update as much as possible, and if I ever get it together, I'll make a posting schedule. That's all. Thanks!

Later my gators 🐊

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