Alternate endings

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A/N: Soley based on one Wired auto complete interview.
Also thanks for 200k 🤩🤩🤩🤩 I forget if I said that already or if that story is still a draft, but thank youuu!


Tony watched as Peter drifted out of his reach, disintegrated.

Tears stung at his eyes, but he refused to believe it was true.

Thanos had won. He had snapped half of the population out of existence.

They had tried so hard. So hard. They had put there everything into this fight, and all it took was one snap.

Tony cried for a long time, alone with Nebula on the barren planet.

Meanwhile Peter had reformed but in a very different place than before.

"W-where am I?" Peter said, getting up carefully.

He was with a crowd of confused people, all bundled up together, so much so that he couldn't really see around him.

Finally he came up to a guy who looked more surprised than confused.

"Uh, hello sir, do you happen to know where we are?" Peter asked nervously, wondering where Thanos had inevitably sent them, or if maybe he was just dead, and this was some strange sort of afterlife.

"Oh yeah, I was just at my hotdog stand when you all just showed up! You're in Canada, ay?" The man said.

Peter blinked, "Canada?"

The man nodded earnestly, "Yeah, you all seem pretty confused, here have a hot dog."

Peter accepted the hotdog in a daze, "Th- Thank you."

Two weeks later everyone had been successfully sent home, including Tony, who was just stepping out of the shop he was in now.

As Tony stepped out, he noticed a lot of people who were supposed to be dead, standing, waiting for him.

"Peter?" Tony asked, wondering if he was seeing things due to lack of oxygen.

"Yeah, it's me." Peter said.

"I saw you die though..." Tony muttered, aghast.

"Yeah, whoever snapped the gauntlet just sent half the population to Canada." Peter shrugged.

"It was partially my doing." Thor spoke up.

Now Tony looked to Thor in confusion, "What?"

"Yeah, when I saw Thanos was going to snap, I just started yelling, CANADA CANADA CANADA! And it really through him off." Thor said matter-of-factly.

"Oh." Tony said, "So we won."

Everyone nodded.

"That's good." Tony said, emotionally worn out.

The end.

Later my Gators 🐊

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