Will you ma-

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Scene is set on top of hill in LA at sunset. Peter and MJ are two years or of highschool but already very successful. They've been dating for three years.

"Can you convince yourself you don't like someone even though you do?"

MJ smiled, "I don't know could you?"

"Obviously not." Peter said. MJ was starting out at the city, a top the hill, as the sun set, but Peter was looking at her.

"At least for me. The more I hide it, the more it grows. How does that work? 

Well I think it's love. I've learned a thing or two over the past three years about love."

MJ smiled, "So have I." 

"It's never ended-and always changing.

If it's true, it will come out.

It's the most valuable thing I could have.

You can't push it away. 

This is how I realized I love you MJ.

You're the one for me."

Now MJ looked at Peter,"I love you."

 Three years ago I was stumbling to ask you out...And now I'm here. 

We're here."

Peter took a box out of his pocket.

MJ wasn't looking. She was looking at the sunset. 

"MJ?"  Peter asked when he saw the worry on hey face.

"It's Tony- he's- fighting something?"

Peter quickly shoved the ring back in his pocket.

"I have to go babe." 

He ripped off his clothes revealing his Spiderman suit.

He pulled on his mask and swung off to Tony.

"What's going on-oh my gosh!" 

There was a giant thing. A giant robot. And a lot of little robot. There were small fires in buildings, and people screaming everywhere.

... So much for proposing.

Peter got to work, " Karen who's controlling these robots?"

"Analyzing... Robert M. Time, 37, 5 foot 9, an engineer for Hydra."

Peter smiled a bit. He was proud that he had managed to get so many Hydra files.

"Is this hydras plan?" 

"There's no information about this in hydras files." Karen replied.

"Strange..." Peter said, continuing to web there smaller robots. 

"Hey Mr. Stark? What are you doing in LA?" Peter yelled as he swung.

"Well I was coming for a visit, but some things popped up." Tony yelled back, "And it's Tony!" 

"Copy that! You actually made it just in time!" 

Peter yelled.

"I can see that!"

"No I actually have something to tell you, but I suppose it can wait!"

"It's going to have to!"

Three hours later the whole thing was solved. Robert was in jail, his robots were distroyed, but the ring was still in Peters pocket.

He called MJ, leaving the police department,     "Hey where are you?" 

"I'm I'm at Ralph's picking up some food? Why?" 

"Just making sure you're safe-stay right there."

"Oka-" Peter hung up and started swinging off.

Out of breath, Peter ran into the Ralph's, fixing his hair. He had borrowed one of Tony's suits, he figured Tony wouldn't notice for another hour or two.

He looked through the isles until he found MJ just outside of the produce isle.

Peter halted in front of MJ. 

"MJ-hey." Peter said catching his breath.

"Peter what is going on?!" MJ said not was shushed by Peter before she could go on.

"This is not how I planned on doing this-i had a whole speech, the venue, the perfect song all picked out, but then, well, work called and I had to leave."

A crowd had formed around the two, some people recording.

"But I realized I love you, and it doesn't matter if we're sitting a top a hill watching the sunset set, all that matters is that I love you!"

"Peter-" MJ smiled as Peter got sort on his knee.

"Michelle Jones, will you marry me?" Peters smile was eat too ear.

"Yes. Of course Peter! Yes yes yes!"

MJ put on the ring and jumped on Peter, hugging him close as the crowd applauded.

Over the speaker an employee said, "Congratulations to the young couple in isle four, on there engagement!"

Later that night MJ and Peter rushed to Tony's to tell him the news. 

They arrive just in time to see Tony slack jawed, starting at the TV, as a news anchor showed a viral video of Peter proposing.

"You? And you? You?" Tony stuttered.

Peter and MJ smiled, "yeah Dad, I proposed."

"And I said yes." MJ added.

Tony's eyes widened, and he broke into a smile, "oh my go-"

End scene :)

The end

A/N: I finally updated! This might not be my best work, I didn't go back and edit it because I just wanted to put something out, but I hope you enjoyed anyway!

Later my Gators 🐊

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