Chapter Three: Thank You.

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tw//sexual abuse


"So you're not gonna hook up with some girl tonight, are you?" asked my best friend, Wyatt.

"No, you have my undivided attention," I replied.


We watched the scene of the whole party from a corner, leaning against a wall, cups of whiskey in our hands.

Brandon had invited a few of us over but the whole popular clique had crashed it.

I ran my eyes over their group, huddled together at one area of the room, dancing and laughing.

If I remember correctly, only Helen Johnson and a few others were invited. Of course, once they arrived, the whole fucking school followed.

Now, Brandon's humble abode was brimming with overrated, loud pop music, alcohol, a whole bunch of horny teenagers at every nook and corner, and sweat-- buckets of it.

My eyes shifted over to Samantha Winston, the most popular girl at Blue Valley High.

She was in this tight, body-hugging dress that lasted till her mid-thighs. It was the colour of wine. Her long, brown hair was tied up in a tight ponytail and she had dark red lipstick on. The sexy black heels she had on added to the look. She was laughing and talking with Jared Goldman and Shannon Lewis on the couch.

I raised an eyebrow at the fact that, for a second, I actually found her hot, as in, worth-dating level hot.

What the fuck.

I must have had too much to drink.

"Yo, you wanna fuck her or something?"

I was taken aback for a second, as I woke up from the weird trance I was in.


"Samantha. You like her?"

"Hell no."

Wyatt stared at me for a bit.

"I thought so, too. That was, until I watched you practically devour her with your eyes for the past five minutes." 

"Shut up, I didn't do that."

"Yes, you did. Don't fucking deny it."

"Are you fucking kidding me? I hate her, Wyatt."

He shrugged at that, ever so nonchalantly.

"Never really understood why. She's actually pretty nice."

"She acts like her stupid smile can fix everything in the world. She acts so entitled all the time, it's unreal. The whole school worships her like she's a Greek Goddess, for some deranged reason. She smiles at me like a fucking creep everytime she sees me."

"Ever thought that she's just trying to be friendly?" he deadpanned.

"No, she looks creepy when she does that. Like, she has this look in her eyes."

"Maybe she likes you."

"Nah, fuck that, she's dead straight."

"Okay, so she wants to be friends."

"Talk to me if you wanna be friends with me. Jesus Christ."

He shook his head at me and smiled at that.

"Why are you getting so worked up over this? We're just talking."

"No, we're not just talking. You're coming up with absurd ideas and I think you have officially gone insane!"

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