Chapter Thirty: Compassion.

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I stared across the dining table at Ashley who was busy in conversation with my parents, answering their questions and explaining everything the best she can. She was really pretty, her eyes the most remarkable feature. Her voice was soft, patient, kind. She was calm and composed, her words clear and articulated.

"So, Ashley, what did she do for a living?" my dad said.

"She worked as a magazine editor for a local magazine. She also drew cartoons in her spare time and published them online. She got some income from the people who bought them."

"And you?" asked my dad. "What do you do?"

"I'm a cardiothoracic surgeon. I work at the nearby hospital."

"I see," he said, before returning to his food. Ashley caught me staring and smiled warmly. I hesistantly smiled back.

"Ashley, um. . ." my mom began.

"Yes?" she prompted, shifting her focus completely to her.

"Was she happy?"

There was silence. Thick silence. My dad stared at her, his eyes cold, but he was ignored. I stared at her, too. I was surprised at her question. I didn't think she cared.

Ashley took a deep breath and let it out.

"She was. Well, she liked her life here in New York. We were even thinking about adopting a kid ever since we got married. But she missed you guys a lot. For every birthday, I'd find her on the rooftop, all alone, staring at photo albums she had with her, and crying. I'd tell her that it'd all be okay, but she was just inconsolable. Especially after that year she came to see you guys again."

I noticed Ashley trying to blink back tears. She looked away at her knees and sniffled. The silence grew impossibly colder. My parents looked guiltily at each other. My mom seemingly angrier.

"She never told me what exactly happened that day. She came back, didn't talk to me or anybody else for a week, and then just stopped mentioning you guys altogether. She'd still look at photo albums, but she didn't really cry anymore. If anything, she looked defeated, nostalgic. The only time she cried after that was when you guys couldn't make it to the hospital the day she. . . um. . ." Her voice was thicker now, her words slightly muffled. She gave a small shrug.

"You know," she said meekly.

"It's okay, Ashley. You don't have to talk about her all this much if you don't want to," my mom said. I stared at her yet again.

Where is all this compassion coming from?

"Thank you, Mrs. Winston. I'm sorry for getting so emotional." She sniffled again.

"It's fine. I understand. Perry meant a lot to all of us. We loved her. And she loved all of us back with all of herself. It's just that we didn't do our part when she was still here. And you did. So, thank you. For taking care of my daughter and giving her the love we failed to give her when she needed it the most."

Ashley stared at my mom, her features softening and relaxing.

"Of course," she whispered, smiling slightly.

I was filled with dread, despite my mom's kind little speech. We'd still have to visit her grave later. And I wasn't ready. At all.

All of us went back to eating in somewhat companiable silence. That's when my dad's phone started ringing. He picked it up and before he could greet the caller, a frantic voice could be heard over the phone, speaking at the rate of a mile a minute.

"Jesus, calm down, will you?" my dad growled.

The voice stopped. And then started again, but this time slower, calmer. My dad's face grew grim, frustrated.

"Is this really necessary? Can we not postpone? Ask them if we can postpone."

The voice started again.


He cut the phone and placed it on the table. He looked back at my mom.

"There's a meeting in Washington for the new hotel project. We have to go."

"Are you serious?" my mom exclaimed indignantly.

"I'm sorry-"

"What the fuck!" she shouted, dropping the knife and fork on the table.

"Emma, watch your tone."

"You don't get to walk in and out of our daughters' lives as you please. Get your head together and be a good dad for once!" my mom yelled, getting up and staring down at him. I'd never seen her this angry before. I was startled. And partly in awe.

"We can come back tomorrow evening. Just tonight, we'll have to stay in Washington," said my dad, trying to reason with her. My mom stared at nothing in particular for a brief moment, trying to think.

"We can't bring Samantha along," she said slowly.

"Why not?"

"She can stay here with Ashley. She doesn't have to be dragged into an another business party and be forced to smile at strangers when what she came here to do was see her sister. You may not care about that, but I do. Ashley, will you be able to look after Sam for a day?" my mom said, looking back at Ashley at that last part.

"Um, of course. No problem."

I stared at my food.

At least I have a day more to prepare myself.

"Thank you," she replied.

My dad let out a deep breath. "Let's go," he said curtly, getting up.

My mom nodded and got up, too.

"Thank you, Ashley. For the food, for agreeing to this and talking to us. It's more than we deserve."

"Of course, Mrs. Winston," Ashley replied quietly.

They left in exactly a minute as per the signature Winston family efficiency. The door closed shut behind them and total silence ensued.

Ashley stared at me from across the table, with a strange, awestruck expression. I stared back at her, waiting. The next few moments were awkward, disastrous and prolonged. It felt like ages had passed till she smiled again.

"You look just like her," she said, her voice soft and alluring. Her eyes locked with mine, her gaze intense, hynotising.

I guess both Perry and I are into girls with deep eyes.

"Ah," I said, chuckling nervously. "So I've been told. You know, when we were younger."

She chuckled along and nodded.

"Would you like to get changed?" she asked me.

"Y-yeah," I replied, looking down at the floor.

"I can lend you my spare clothes. I have some from my college days that might fit you just right."


"No problem."

She got up and walked into one of the rooms. I finished up my glass of juice and sat back on the chair, staring absent-mindedly at the half-finished food.

I wish I could be with Harley right now.



Hope you liked this chapter! Lemme know what you think :)



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