Chapter Twenty Seven: Nothing.

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"Are you fucking kidding me right now?"


"'Cause if you are, I'll play the video of you farting in public in public."

"Like you'll fucking be alive after that."

He chuckled amusedly for just a few seconds.

"You guys are seriously dating right now?"


"Woah," he breathed out.

"I agree."

"Been on any dates yet? I mean, it's been a week, and the fact that you took that long to tell me pisses me off."

"Well, I apologize. It took me a while to actually believe that we're a thing now. But we did go on two dates. We watched a Marvel movie at the cinema for the first one and went to this Italian place for the second."

"And? How were they?"

"They were. . . I'm gonna sound so stupid. . ."

"Let it out, sis."

I took a deep breath and let it out as I spoke.

"It was magical. Both times. And super romantic."


"Whatever, whatever."

"I still can't believe it."

"I can't either. But you know what I don't get?"


"How come you're not more mad? Especially since everything with Norah, you've hated that whole group. I figured you were gonna kill me when you found out I'm dating another queen bee. That's one of the reasons I was reluctant to tell you."

"Harley, Samantha is different."

I rolled my eyes at him and got off the bed.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"To see her. She said she'll meet me at the lake."


"Shut it!"

"Tell her I said hi!" he sang as I made my way out.

"I won't!" I sang back mockingly, closing the door behind me.



I sat down on the grass and stared out at the lake, waiting for Harley to show up. It was nearly evening and there was a cool breeze blowing past me towards the water.

Seemingly millions of thoughts swarmed my senses but none of them were entirely distinctive or intelligible. However, most of them were concerned with the fact that I was in a situation that I'd been trying to avoid my entire life.

"Hey, stranger!" a voice called out from behind. I let out a light chuckle in response and waited for her to sit next to me.

She wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"What's up?" she said.

"I just. . ."

Should I tell her?

"Hm?" she prompted.


"Didn't seem like nothing. Something bothering you?"

"No, no. I just. . ." I racked my brain for a good enough lie.

She patiently waited for me to finish.

"I'd thought of a joke in my head earlier but I forgot," I blurted out.

There was an awkward pause for just a few suspicious seconds.

"Ah. That's okay. Tell me when you remember," she said, a smile evident in her words.

"Sure thing. . . So, babe?"

"Babe?" she teased.


She laughed.

"Alright, alright. What is it. . . babe?" And then she burst out laughing again.

"Harley Lynn Gardner. What is so goddamn funny?"

"Wa-wa-wait. . ." she stuttered, trying to catch her breath. But then she saw my face and burst out laughing again. I grabbed one of my shoes and threw it at her, trying my best to look annoyed and not just laugh along with her.

"Fuck you!" I exclaimed.

"I'm. . ." More chuckling. "I'm sorry, Sam. It's just. . . I never thought I'd see the day the Samantha Elisabeth Winston became my girlfriend and called me babe."

I rolled my eyes at her and waited for her to calm down.

"You have no idea how happy I am about us, are you?" I said quietly, staring at the grass.

I felt stillness fall over our heads and soon, her lips were on mine, taking me by surprise.

"You don't know how happy I am, either," she whispered, her breath hitting my face, washing over me, warming me up inside and out, my thoughts melting away into nothing like the evening rays of the setting sun.


Hey guys!

Hope you liked this chapter! Lemme know what you think :)



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