Chapter Thirteen: In A Completely Platonic Way (Part 1)

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I placed the bags of chips and candy in front of the cashier and paid the due fifteen dollars. As I was waiting for the guy to put it all in a bag and give me the bill, I noticed a hooded figure walk inside.

A female hooded figure.

Her face lifted up at me and my eyes widened.

She smirked at me mischeviously in a way that felt painfully similar.

"Are you going to freak out on me again?" she asked, casually.

I took a moment to compose myself.


"Because if you are, there's no Wyatt to stop you. You can kill me right here, right now."

"Do it outside the store, kids. This ain't no crime scene, bad for business," the guy said grumpily, handing me the bag of goods. I thanked the guy and shoved past her, walking out into the night.

I felt her presence behind me, heeled boots click-clacking against the hard ground. I decided to walk faster, trying to lose her.

"Harley, we need to talk. I think you know that," she called out from behind me.

"No, we don't. Leave me alone, Norah."

She finally caught up to me and grabbed me by my arm, towards her.

"Stop acting so fucking stubborn!"

"Let me go, Norah!" I yelled. That's when she pulled me into a hug.

I tried to push her away but she just held me closer, whispering into my ear to calm down.

Eventually, I stopped protesting and went limp in her arms. That's when I realized I had tears in my eyes. She moved with me until my back was against the brick wall of some building, nearly inside a dark alleyway.

"I know I hurt you."

"You keep hurting me, Norah. It's not a thing of the past like you think it is. Everytime you're near me, it hurts," I mumbled into her shoulder, my voice cracking.

She pressed a kiss to my neck and I shuddered.

"W-what are you doing?" I managed to whisper.

She just buried her face in my neck and exhaled. The warmth weakened me to no end. I wrapped my arms around her and leaned my head against the wall I was already pressed up against. I wiped my tears away with my sleeve.

"You okay?" she said, her breath against my skin.

"What do you think?"

She chuckled lightly and straightened up a little. I was surprised at the realization of how much I missed it. I missed her voice. How hoarse, deep and sexy it is.

She captured my chin in between her index finger and thumb and pulled my face slightly lower, staring at me right into my eyes. I found myself hypnotized by the grey in her eyes for the first time in a long time. The warmth from her body engulfed me, temporarily leaving me breathless.

She pressed kisses to my cheek and then right next to my lower lip, my jaw and then my neck and the sensitive spot above my collar bone that made me jump slightly, inhaling sharply. She chuckled again.

"Didn't know I still had that effect on you."

I moaned slightly in response.

She wrapped her arms around my waist and pressed her chest up against mine. I rested my hands on her upper arms. We pressed our foreheads together.

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