Chapter Eight: Good Night.

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Dancing with Harley was magical. It felt special. And nice. A face would appear in the back of my mind followed by my parents' everytime I thought about this fact. I tried my best to erase them.

She's a friend, I told myself. Nothing to worry about.

We were at the snack table when Wyatt Graham and Axelle Summers came over.

I was busy talking with Axelle, Wyatt's two-year girlfriend, about her new art album, when I realized that Wyatt and Harley weren't talking anymore. They were frozen, looking in the same direction.

Out of curiosity, I looked beyond where they were standing and came eye-to-eye with a tall girl, walking towards us, a smile on her lips.

She had black hair, which was curly and long till her waist. She had a tan complexion. Her eyes were a light shade of grey, thickly lined with black. Her lips were naturally pink. She had on a silver gown, with thin sleeves and a slit along the side that ended above her left knee. Her eyebrows were thick and had a cut across one of them, definitely made by herself. It was clear that she was a senior like us.

She was pretty, but not as pretty as Harley, I decided.

I came to stand beside Harley. She was paralysed, if anything. Her face showed zero emotion at first, but upon further inspection, I recognized fear and shock.

Why would Harley Gardner be afraid of anything?

I looked back at the girl who was now just a few feet away from us. She was definitely not from our school. I would know her if that were the case, no questions asked.

Wyatt suddenly stood in front us. I saw that Harley was still shocked.

"What the hell are you doing here, Norah?" he groaned.

"Oh, come on, Wy. I wanna talk to Harley, not you," she said, calm and composed. Her voice was deep, but soft and alluring at the same time. I saw Harley flinch at her words.

She looked vulnerable in a way I've never seen her. And I hated it. I subconsiously moved my hand to her lower arm and held on to it, moving my thumb gently against the skin. She gulped and looked down at the floor. Her hands were balled into tight fists.

"Guess what. You can't. Get the fuck out."

"Move, Wyatt," she said, less pleasantly this time.

"She doesn't wanna see you."

I looked back at Axelle, who had concern written all over her composure. Her eyes showed recognition. They all knew who she was.

That's when Harley moved, freeing herself from my grip and before I knew it, she was trying to jump her. She was mad now. Like, really, really pissed. And it scared me. The sudden movement, the anger, it scared me. And quite frankly, it reminded me of certain unpleasant memories.

I backed away in fear and Axelle moved to my side.

"You bitch!" she screamed, trying to punch and scratch her, while Wyatt held her back.

Norah watched at a safe distance of a few feet, a look of scorn on her face.

"Let go of me, Wyatt!" she growled, struggling against his arms, which were tightly around her, holding her back.

A spell of silence fell on the crowd around us and we had eyes on us now. A lot of eyes.

"You never learned to talk, did you?" She scoffed, arms folded in front of her chest. I suddenly felt the urge to slap her.

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