Chapter Forty: Hide.

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I was waiting for Samantha at the front of the school building. It was a sunny morning. And I was taking it all in, looking back occasionally to see if the crowd had dissipated.

That's when I saw her walking towards me.

With another girl holding onto her arm.

I raised an eyebrow as we locked eyes.

Sam came over and hugged me, smiling her usual smile.

"Who's the redhead?" I said, my voice coming off slightly more unamused than intended.

She ignored my tone and said, "Harley, meet Ivy. Ivy, meet Harley."

The redhead smiled at me. I nodded back.

"Let's go," I said to Sam, nodding towards the entrance.

"Actually, I'm going with Ivy today. She's gonna introduce me to this photography group in her class."

Ivy smiled at her side profile and then at me. I gave her a two-second leer.

"... right."

"See you at lunch," Sam said cheerily, giving me a peck on the cheek and then walking off towards the second building with the redhead.

"Who's the hottie?" said Wyatt, walking up to me and throwing an arm around my shoulder.

"You have terrible taste if you think that's hot," I said, shrugging him off and walking away.


I decided to take a detour on the way home from school, needing to clear my head.

I was in the rougher part of the neighborhood now. Smaller homes, damaged roads, crappy cars. Somehow, it fit my mood, and I was enjoying my walk.

"Who does she think she is," I mumbled to myself, kicking a rock that was in my way.

Sam hadn't been with me at lunch either. She was hanging out with Ivy and her photography geeks. And it pissed me off. I don't know why I was pissed off. Apparently, they met at Jared's house party and she stayed the night at Sam's place.

I didn't like the sound of that but I didn't let her know because that would make me look jealous.

I'm not jealous. Why the fuck would I be jealous? Ivy's just some tall, good-looking, red-headed geek who has the same interests as her.

I groaned in frustration and kicked another rock that wasn't exactly in my way, but I wanted to kick it for the thrill of it.

I'm totally not jealous. She's my girlfriend already. I won. I'm the winner.

I wasn't looking in front of me anymore, focused on finding more rocks to kick. And I bumped into somebody.

I stumbled a little and looked up to say my sorry. But what I saw caught me off gaurd.


I realized that I was at her place. Her neighborhood.

She was covered in blood, a bloody knife in her hand. Her grey eyes were fearful, but maddened, somewhat frightening as well.

Her eyes widened when she saw me and then went back to the bloodied knife.


"What the-"

I could feel my heart beat faster and faster.

"You can't be here right now, Harley," she said, her voice slightly trembling.

"What the fuck did you do, Norah?"

"I said, you can't be here," she said, her voice more stable. She dropped the knife.


That's when I heard sirens in the distance, progressively getting louder.

"It's the police," she said.

"Oh my god-"


She pushed me behind a thick wall of bushes a couple of feet away and then ran to her door, pushing it wide open. She ran back and kneeled down on the grass, the knife a few centimeters away from her.

An ambulance arrived, followed by two police cars.

An officer got out, pulled her up and pinned her against the car, handcuffing her.

"Ms. Gail, you're under arrest for the murder of your father, George Gail," she said, pushing her into the car and shutting the car door.

Did I hear that right?

The bloody knife was dropped into a plastic bag by a gloved hand and sealed. People rushed in and out of the house as I watched, breathless. The sirens wouldn't stop.

And there it was.

The dead, stabbed, bloodied body of her father on a stretcher, carried outside, zipped into a body bag and placed in the back of an ambulance, the ambulance doors shutting behind the hospital workers.

I could feel myself panicking. But I stayed where I was, paralyzed, rooted to the spot.

I stayed there for a couple of hours, watching as the cleaning crew went in with purpose, came out covered in muck, the police talking to each other and then talking on the phone. I couldn't hear words, just sounds. An endless, infinite stream of sounds and colors.

By 8 o' clock, they were all gone. The people, the vehicles, the body, the blood, the knife, her.

It was empty.


It was like I hadn't just watched the previous love of my life get arrested for murdering my rapist.

It was like I had stumbled upon absolutely nothing again.

I was simply there, in the dark, behind a couple of bushes, staring at an empty house with no lights, the grass bloodied and miserable.

But I could still feel the weight of what had happened pushing down on me, leaving me in pain, unable to breathe, crushing me, slowly becoming unbearable.

Now what?


Hey guys!

Hope you liked this chapter! Lemme know what you think, as usual :)



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