Chapter Twenty: English?

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I kept glancing over at the empty lunch table at the corner.

I need to see her.

I need to see her, damn it.

My table was buzzing with chatter and laughter, but I'd already tuned most of it out.

I wanted to feel her again. I spent the last two days after the lake thinking about her. I knew what this meant. I knew the many dire consequences. I knew that I was no longer straight. I knew that I wanted her nevertheless.

For some stupid reason, she wasn't in school the day after the lake, meaning yesterday. And now it's time she showed up. My foot nervously kept tapping against the floor.

That's when she walked in, Wyatt and Axelle following close behind, on their way to their table.

I wasted no time in getting up, ignoring the outburst of questions from my friends and speed-walking over to her. She let out a gasp as I grabbed her by the arm and began pulling her out of the lunchroom, despite her protests and "what are you doing"s.

I pressed her up against the nearest locker and stared up at her, determination flooding my mind.

"What the fuck, Samantha!" she growled.

"Why're you so mad?"

"Won't that look suspicious?"

"What do you think they'll suspect?" I asked, nonchalantly, as I moved my one hand against her stomach over her clothes all the way to her left boob. I felt her breath hitch in her throat. I moved my mouth to her ear and continued, "That your lips were all over me, and your hands were doing things that made me moan in pleasure?"

Wow, this feels gooddddd.

Her eyes widened at my words and her hands went to my shoulders, pushing me away from her.

"Stop!" she whispered harshly, looking around to catch anybody who saw us, eyebrows furrowed nervously.

"I need to make something clear, Harley. I like you," I said, shoving my hands into my jean pockets.

She stared at me like I'm an idiot. I met her gaze head on.

"What. . . what happened to accepting it as something silly that friends do?"

"That's what I thought it was. But now, I realize it's not."

"Are you serious? Your boyfriend is in the next room," she said. For some reason, she didn't look mad as she said that, but curious, scared.

"Yeah, I know that. And so are your friends and all the girls you've hooked up with. Can we kiss now?" I said dryly before moving to touch her.

She raised a hand at me, stopping me. She then grabbed my hand and began pulling me away towards. . . the janitor's closet?

"Really? Very classy," I said, chuckling.

She rolled her eyes, pushed me inside and then followed close behind before closing the door behind her, locking it.

She then turned to me as I switched the light on. It was still pretty dim in the closet but neither of us minded.

"What do you want, Samantha?" she said in an accusatory tone.

"For us to make out. Like at the lake. I don't know about you but I really liked how you made me feel. And I know that I-"

Her lips came crashing down on mine, her arms going around my waist, pulling me against her. I moaned and closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around her neck. She moved with me and then pressed me up against the wall, tasting me with her tongue.

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