Chapter Forty Two: Goodbye.

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I woke up beside Harley who was still sleeping. It was around nine in the morning.

Despite what had happened last night, it felt peaceful. She seemed peacefully asleep, even though what she's going through isn't easy. I pressed a kiss to her forehead and held her closer.

We stayed that way for a bit before she woke up, her eyes fluttering open.

"Morning," I whispered.

"Morning," she whispered back.

She pressed her lips against mine. I kissed her back. We stayed that way for a bit, comfortable with each other.

We didn't notice that the door had opened and somebody had walked in.

"Samantha?" said a voice.

A voice that I knew all too well.

I immediately got off of her and stood up.

"What is this?" said my dad, staring at Harley and then back at me. My mother was behind him, terrified.


"I, um. . ." I didn't know what to say.

How does one reply in this situation anyway?

"Are you just going to stand there?" he asked, his voice terribly soft, even more frightening.

Harley was looking at him wide-eyed and then at me and then back at him again.

"Dad, I can explain. . ."

He held a hand up, silencing me. I gulped.

"You," he said sternly, glaring at Harley. "Get out."

She scrambled out of bed, awkwardly nodded at my parents, and walked out. Just before the door shut behind her, she looked back at me, her eyes apologetic.

I stood rooted to the spot, still afraid.

This is how it ends.


There was silence for a few seconds. The only sound was of Harley's feet, as she went down the stairs, the sound getting fainter. And then the front door fell shut.

It reminded me of when Perry walked out.

"What kind of relationship do you have with that girl?" he asked, stepping forward.

I gulped again.

"Honey, maybe we should all just calm down-" My mom tried to interject.

"No, I want to hear her answer."

"Seriously, we can-" She tried again.

"Shut up," he said, before locking eyes with me again. They were cold, dangerous. He looked like a stranger.

She stopped.

This was the father Paris saw, I thought to myself, my heart sinking for her.

Do I fight like she did? Or make up a lie? Either way, there's a strong chance I won't see Harley ever again. Or my parents ever again.

I took a deep breath. And then I let it out.

Here goes.

"Her name's Harley Gardner. She's my girlfriend. We're in a relationship."

My mom who was staring at the floor suddenly looked up at me in admiration. Maybe because I did something she never had the guts to do: stand up to him.

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