Chapter 2

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Danielle doesn't know what she expected her cell to look like, despite being a common topic on news in Gotham a picture or video had never been released of the inside of the Asylum. For all she knew she could be strapped down to a bed in a dark room 24/7. What she got though was a pretty clean cell with bars surrounding it and a small twin sized bed pressed up against a wall.

The ward she had been placed in contained a total number of 10 cells, 5 on each side of the room. The one on her right was inhabited by Joker who had not stopped laughing since they got there. The one on her left was inhabitated by a strawberry blond weirdo who banged his head on his bars in three's and the one in front of her was occupied by a riddle obsessed redhead. She knew that because he yelled one at her as soon as she walked into the ward. She couldn't see who was in the rest of the cells.

After walking through the blue hallway with her hands wrapped around J's arms they were forcefully separated from each other by two guards who then pushed them into their respective cells and locking the door. She could tell that he's been through this many many times because he barely sumbled whereas she fell to the floor. They released Mr J from his straight jacket just before they kicked him in his cell. They had uncuffed her before pushing her into her cell.

Plopping down on her surprisingly soft bed Danielle starts to quietly hum a melody from her home. The young girl tuck her hair behind her ears flexing her fingers before cracking them in three different places. After she's done she quickly crack her wrist to get rid of any stiffnes still left from being cuffed for so long. Falling down on her bed she tuck herself in and stare at the dirty grey ceiling. There was a very suspicious puddle in one of the corners. Danielle very quickly grow restless and shift positions several times before giving up. She stands up and start pacing the length of her small cell despite the freezing cold floor. She pace maybe five or six 'pacing' steps before she sharply turn to the cell on her left, squatting by the bars and observe her noisy neighbour.

"Hi there" she greet him and he stops banging his head and turns around facing her. The inmate has short strawberry blonde curly hair in a big mess on his head and dull lifeless brown eyes. She can hear heavy breathing behind her and can almost feel her new bestie breathing down her neck as he surely would have done if he was there.

"I'm bored, do you want to play a game?" She smirk at him and turn her head around to look at J before turning around again. She stare at her neighbour as he seems to be contemplating her question. Danielle can hear a slow "ohh dollface" behind her but she ignores him. Her new victim nods uncertainly and looks past her to watch what Joker was doing obviously frightened of him.

Sitting down she stare into his eyes before revealing what game they are going to play. "You and I are going to play a very special game" She beckon him towards her and he awkwardly shuffles over. The girl or rather the woman put her hands on either side of his face before bringing him closer as she lean forward to whisper in his ear. "We are going to play the game of faces" Danielle releases his face with a giggle and she excitedly clap her hands together before putting them in her lap. "Do you know the rules?" Danielle whisper to him as if it was a big secret. He shakes his head. She disappointedly wave her finger at him. "I am going to tell you something from my past and you are going to guess if it's the truth or if I'm lying. Is that understood?" She tell him and earns a sharp nod in return.

"I killed my father and laughed as he died" Danielle stated bluntly to him staring into his eyes as he stares back uncertainly. "Truth or lie?" She would be surprised if he got it right the first time.

"Truth" he stuttered out before averting his eyes to the floor. She sigh before giving his arm a gentle hit.

"Wrong, I've never met my father" he winces slightly in pain and nodded.

"My stepfather abused me for most of my life " She state a bit louder this time before lifting his head up to meet her eyes. "Truth or lie?" she put her hands on his shoulders and starts slightly massage him waiting for his answer.

"Lie" He more confidently answer and Danielle pat his cheek before slapping him hard. "It was truth little blåbär" she ruffle his hair before standing up again and start walking away. "Are we done playing?" He calls after her as he too stands up. "Oh, you sweet thing. We never stop playing" Danielle throw over her shoulder as she confidently struts away.(blueberry)

She lies down on her bed again and drape her blanket over herself as she hear her playmate start banging his head against his bars again. Danielle sigh dramatically before turning around to her favorite new best friend. He's leaning against the bars glaring at the strawberry blonde before meeting her eyes and start purring like a kitten. His eyes beckon her to him and she can't resist those eyes. Danielle wrap herself in the blanket as it was quite cold in the cell and then shuffle over to him all while keeping eye contact. He reaches an arm over to her side of the bars and helps her sit down. Mr J leans his head on bars baring his neck. The young girl boldly reach out to him and run her hand down his neck while listening to his soft purrs. She can feel him looking at her but she can't seem to tear her eyes away from him to meet his eyes, She can see some of his tattoos and she can't help but trace them fascinated while biting her lip. J gently tug her lip free from her teeth and fast as lightning he moves his hand to her throat. Danielle giggle and push her throat against his hand and gently using one of my her hands to tighten his. The girl smile widely at him. "Want me to beg for it, daddy?" He lets out a loud cackle and another inmate yells for him to shut up. She sharply turn as much as the hand around her throat lets her and growl out "you shut up". She turn back to J as she playfully put her hands around his arm and faux struggle to bring his hand away all while hysterically laughing.

He brings the girl closer to the bars. "Beg for it Dany" He rasps at her before giving her another one of his smiles and squint his eyes. "Oh please Mr J, please release me" She beg him with a smile lightning up her face. He brings a finger and traces her lips and she playfully snap after his fingers with her teeth. He tightens his hand around her throat.

"Lights out in ten" A sharp voice yells out into our ward before the slamming of a heavy door can be heard. Danielle sigh and stands up and disappointedly tells J that playtime is over.

She walk back to her bed for the third time and lay down and not shortly after there is guards entering our ward.

"Go to your bed, Joker" One of them calls out to my green haired neighbour. So that's his real name, the infamous Joker. The lights get turned off and they are washed in the darkness and the only sounds that can be heard are from her head banging neighbour and an inmate with cmd at the end of the hallway. She closes her eyes and slowly drift away.

AN: Hi again! This was a short chapter but they will get longer when I get a bit more into it. Hope you enjoyed it!

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