Chapter 5

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Danielle POV

After losing many more times on that silly game the guards decided that we psychos had enough of play time and brought us back to our cells.

This time I didn't stumble as much after they pushed me into my cell and I gave myself a mental pat on the shoulder. By my calculations based on collected information dinner would soon be served. I hope I can get some potatoes today, it's really getting old having to remind them everyday. I may be a psychotic bitch but I do not want to be a nagging psychotic bitch. No one likes a nag.

My first week in Arkham has soon ended and let me tell you it did not disappoint. I've had plenty fun here, had my first fight with some mentally ill people on first floor just two days ago. It's not my fault she didn't like me slamming a tray in her face during yard time. She clearly deserved it, she took MY table and had the nerve to play with my not so much redheaded friend (I'm sure he's not a natural redhead more like brunette). Such a bitch. I've already made my doctor lose his shit during a session and all I did was answer his questions. My mom actually did have a unicorn that shits candy under her bed and my father was a leprechaun.

"Sweet dreams are made of me, oh who would dare to disagree" I belt out as I still boredly awaits the arrival of my food.

"How could you question God's existence?" I sung out while beaming at the guard standing outside waiting with my food. Look who suddenly turned christian, yeah that's right. Me.

I make grabby hands at the tray and the guard carefully slides it under the bars to me, I shuffle over but something makes me stop in my tracks. "I love you, I love you, I love you" I chant as I stood up beaming at the guard. He got me potatoes!! Three of them, big too. I outstretch my hand to him and gesture for him to come closer and to my surprise he does. When he comes close enough I throw my arms around him as much as I can. He's fluffy and he even hugs me back. Pulling back I stroke his chin and feel the rough strands of his short beard tickling my fingers. "Mr J doesn't have a beard" I tell him "He's as smooth as a baby butt".

"What's your name potato giver?" I don't really care, I'm going to rename him anyways.

"Johnny Kerem" He answers standing strong in front of me looking into my eyes.

"That's so boring, so ordinary" I smile "Your new name is Johnny Frost" giving him one last pat on the cheek I walk away from him and back to my babies who I'm soon going to eat.


Sitting against the only wall in my small cell I sigh as I can feel my mood turning sour and the bad thoughts start coming. I wonder how my mom is doing, if I'd send her letters would she read them? Would she burn them? I don't know but I did what was best for us. I did it all for us, to give her her best chance. They weren't good enough for her, my amazing mom deserves so much more than what this world has to give.

Overthinking is my middle name, was the second guy really so bad? Did he deserve it. Of course he did. I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me and making me see him in that poor guy. Stop it Dany. He was bad, so baaad. I giggle, he was soo bad.

My face grows somber as the giggles stop, how could they betray me like that. Choosing him over me. Maybe I should be coming after them when I get out of here, yeah I think I'll do that. They'll regret choosing his side, yes they will. The voices hums in agreement as we begin planning my diabolic revenge plan.

Shaking away those thoughts for now I turn around to look at my playmate's cell, they brought him back screaming a few hours ago. I suspect he had to spend the last few days in isolation and everyone knows what happens there.

Crawling over to him I give him a little pat on the cheek to break him out of his trance.

"I am so sorry for doing this to you" I say to him as I pet his head. I cackle on the inside and giving Eddy and J a smirk I turn back to him and give him a sad smile.

"Y-Y-You really mean that?" he shakily answers trying to search for the answer on my face but unfortunately for him I'm a good actress.

"Do you think so?" I ask him with humour in my eyes, It's getting harder to keep my cover. I love playing games.

He nods and that is the wrong answer. I am not sorry, not even close.

"Wrong" I give him a hard slap and watch as he falls to the floor rubbing his cheek as a handprint begin to form. "Better you than I" I say to him.

"Now, You missed potato day, yes or no?" Dragging out the no I look down at him as he drags himself up from the floor.

"Now now dolly, don't bully the poor man" J tells me from his cell. "You get potatoes three times a week" Is that jealousy I detect, hmm strange.

"I need entertainment J, leave me alone" I whine to him not even sparing him a glance. Turning towards strawberry man . "Frostie smuggles them in for me, sometimes he even brings fries" I whisper to him like it's a big secret.

"Careful boy, I enjoy you but I'm gonna need my answer now" I glare at him, impatient.

"I don't know" He whimpers out. I sigh and press him for an answer.

"Truth?" is his final answer. I clap my hands and rub his cheeks as I nod at him.

"Good boy, that's true" Standing up I tell him that's all for today.

Now time for some overthinking, today's subject is Mr J. I've only known him for a week and still I feel attached and connected to him. It feels like his craziness matches mine and he is so complex that I will never get bored. He is undoubtedly the man of my dreams but it still feels as if we've moved so fast. But then again it feels so natural and if humans had soulmates he would have been mine. But I worry that I'm just another toy for him and he only uses me to pass time. I've always dreamed of having a dominant man as mine and now that I can have that I have my doubts.

A loud fart breaks me out of my thoughts and I stand up faster than lightning and scream out "Okay which of you disgusting bastards did it"

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