Chapter 18

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Wicken whimpered pitfully as he finally saw who stood infront of him, he never imagined that she'd get out of that place, everyone knew about Joker's toys so he kind of assumed that she was just another toy. It was a mistake which would most likely cost him his life. 

"Do you know why you're here?" Danielle ask him slowly circling him. 

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" Wicken cry out watching her. 

"Answer my question" She yell at him. Joker stand in a corner of the room watching Danielle intently, feeling himself harden with every passing moment. 

"I touched you" He whimper out pitfully. 

"Yeah you did, you touched me" She smile at him stopping in front of him. Slowly taking a hold o fhis cheeks she pinch them roughly. "You touched me even after I told you no you naughty boy" 

He frantically nod with tears falling down his face. "I'm so sorry"

"Do you know what I do with people who touch girls without their permission?" She grin predatorily at him. He shake his head no. "I kill them" She release his cheeks walking over to a table filled with all kinds of weapons and tools. She observe them all before turning to the silent Joker. "Why don't you choose, you are the master afterall" She stroke a hand down his arm smiling sultry at him. 

"Don't be a tease" He rasp at her. "Take this, he'll last longer" He gesture towards a bat. "And I know how much pent up anger you've got."

"I like the way you think" She grin at him before turning around and walking over to Wicken who had been watching the interaction fearfully. 

"Save some of that anger for tonight hmm?, we can have so much fun" Joker lean down pressing kisses along her throat. Muttering out a of course she swing the bat at Wickens leg. 

Wicken let out a loud scream feeling his leg break with a loud snap. 

"Oh this is fun" Danielle cackle out bringing the bat down again. 


"That was amazing" Danielle breathe out dragging the covers over her naked form. Leaning over she give Joker a quick kiss before walking to the bathroom to take a shower. 

J sat up before taking a piece of paper to dry off the blood on his chest and arms. He didn't lie when he said that they'd have fun. Fortunately for him Danielle was as kinky as him and did just as him enjoy to mix pleasure with pain. If he had to liken himself to anyone right now he'd describe his state as that one scene in Game of Thrones when Ramsay Bolton interrupted Yara trying to rescue Theon. What? Danielle force him to watch it because she wants company when fangirling. 

"I need to walk the dogs, I'll be back soon. Be a dear and dispose of Wicken" Danielle tell Jay as she walk out of the bathroom. She was much more comfortable now in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt than she was wearing that dreadfull dress but she didn't mind dolling up when going to Jay's club. 

He doesn't answer her, glaring angrily at her for daring to order him. He doesn't do good with being ordered. If she was anyone else he'd have shot her right there but he didn't she was his queen. The only one who could order him to do anything, not that he'd do it of course. 

Grabbing two leashes on the door handle she blow a kiss before leaving the room. As soon as she's out of the door she whistle (not very good) and her two dogs came running. Getting on her knees she embraced them before putting on their leashes and collars. 


Walking down the street like a normal civilian Danielle was observing the people walking by her. All those years with the Roberts had made her paranoid and distracted by what she thought was a man watching her she doesn't notice the man she was about to walk into. 

"I am so sorry" She breathe out, the sorry coming out because she did have manners. 

"It's okay, no one's hurt" The man breathe out before sticking out a hand to her. "My name is Bruce Wayne." He introduce himself. 

She knew she couldn't use her real name. "I'm  Karen Susanson" She mentally facepalmed, karen susanson? That was the best she could come up with. She might as well have just yelled I would like to speak with your manager to really seal the deal. 

"That's an unusual name" Bruce tells her laughing. 

"It's foreign" Danielle bullshits. 

"Alright, well you have a good day and maybe we'll bump into eachother sometime" 

She says a "you too" before walking away with her dogs. What a peculiar woman, Bruce think to himself. 

"That was too close" Danielle tells herself rushing along the sidewalk. Too close. 

She walk another kilometer or so before deciding to go back to the mansion. The dogs had done their business and could do with a nap. 


Walking back inside the house she noticed that it was very quiet, Joker had probably gone to do some business thingy. It was nothing new anyways, the two had gone to a lot of business meetings and stuff over the last couple of days. Mister J had been very irritated too, Batman hadn't decided to show his face at all. Not even a black cape swinging on a roof, not even during an armed robbery he had done himself had he shown up to. 

Deciding to just take a nap to pass time untill he came back she plopped down on her bed slowly falling asleep cuddled up to her dogs.

AN: Just a short kinda filler chapter, hope you've enjoyed this book so far! Love y'all. 

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