Chapter 21

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AN: This chapter is kinda weird but I wanted to have like bits and pieces from what both Danielle and Joker was doing. 

The results from the vet Danielle had visited yesterday just came back and it's safe to say that it had no good news. Smirrah only had days left and that's being positive.

Danielle knew that this day would come when she adopted the dog but it still came as a shock, that her beloved, always happy cuddly dog was going to leave her in a few days. She didn't even know how to react, she was stunned and was now sitting with said dog in her lap stroking her fur as she had been doing for the last hour since the results came.

"I'm so sorry Smirrah" Danielle told her dog with tears in her eyes, she truly was sorry that this had happened to her.

"I'm going to make this day the best you've ever had" The girl said standing up and putting the dog on the bed. She walked over to where Misch was currently sleeping and gently picked him up and walked out of her room and into Joker's. 

"Can you watch today? I have some things to do" Danielle ask Jay, begging him to say yes. 

"You want ME to watch YOUR dog that I didn't want?" he answer but she could see him budging. 

"Smirrah only has days left and I want to make today her best ever so I just need you to watch Mitch for a couple hours, pretty please" Danielle ask again. 

"Fine, but don't you uh say that I never do things for you" He relent with a small glare on his face, cursing her in his head. He had business to do and  now he had to bring the dog with him. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" She squeal hugging him tightly pressing kisses all over his face. 


"Everyone know the plan?" Joker ask his crew of henchmen with a raised eyebrow. "Good" He tells them smiling, of course it's not a nice friendly smile but more like a 'fuck this up and I'll put a bullet in your head' smile. 

"What about the dog?" One of his henchmen ask pointing a finger at the fluffy dog Joker is currently holding in his arms. 

"This here is Misch, Danielle's puppy. So if anything happens to this puppy she will be very upset and if she's very upset then I'm very upset." He explain while not so subtly threatening his men all while petting the puppy. 

He turn on his heel and walk out of the room and into the club. Hearing the loud music he cringe before covering the puppy's ears and walk out of the club. Letting the pup down on the ground he connect the leash to let Misch do his business. 

When the puppy is done Joker pick him up again and jump into one of the vans waiting outside the club. Taking out his phone he quickly take selfie of him and the dog and send it to Danielle with the caption 'First crime with Daddy" 


"Oh my god" Danielle laugh out shocked at the picture she recieved. She was currently at a dog hairdresser and Smirrah was having the time of her life as she was pampered by the stylist. Later they were going to go to a park and then to a lake, Smirrah loved swimming.  Danielle was determined to make this Smirrah's best day of her life. 

Barking happily Smirrah ran over to Danielle when she was done and the girl happily pulled the small dog up in her arms smelling her fur. 

"Let's go to the park" Danielle tell her dog in a light baby voice before walked out of the building and out onto the street. 


Walking into the building with his gun firing at the ceiling with a twisted laugh Joker demand people to be quiet and give him their money. To once again protect Misch's ears he had decided to put some protective earmuffs and the dog was happily barking at him. 


Releasing Smirrah from her leash in the park was Danielle and the dog was currently rushing away from her owner before rushing back. Picking up a stick the girl wave it in the air at her dog and watches the dog jump trying to get it. 

"Fetch" Danielle tell her dog before throwing the stick as far as she could, which wasn't very far but she tried. 


"Did you see that Frost? They were scared of a little puppy" Joker laughed sitting in the van again with a bag of dog treats by his side and the puppy was sitting in the seat beside him with his head out the window. Giving the dog another treat Jay continue laughing the whole way home to his mansion. 


Walking back inside the house with a soaking wet dog in her arms and tired on her feet Danielle made her way upstairs and into her room. Going into the bathroom she gently set the dog down on the toilet before grabbing a hairdryer and a towel. 

"Did you have fun?" a happy bark is her answer and Danielle start drying the dog. 

When she was done she lifted the dog down on the floor again watching her plop down on Danielle's bed and fall almost instantly asleep.  Danielle gently switch the light off before leaving the room and going to Jay's room.

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