Chapter 7

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Danielle POV

"A little birdie told me you and I will have canteen privilege from now on" I throw over my shoulder to mistah J as I was trying to change clothes without flashing anyone. The uniforms they made us wear here were ridiculous, mondays to wednesdays we had a grey sweater and sweatpants and wednesdays to saturdays they were blue. Not to mention that I have to change in my cell and there is zero coverage of any sort here. Luckily we don't have bathrooms here because it would be really awkward to go to the bathroom if everyone was watching and listening.

The joker and I had during my time here not been allowed in the canteen, me because I was new and needed to "adapt" to asylum life and him because he probably did something bad. Frost had told me today though that we'd be allowed to go there with the rest of the patients so that's good I suppose. Gotta make some friends in this place besides Eddy, Jay and little mr can't tell truth from lie.

A low distracted hum is my answer, he's pretty quiet based on his reputation but it might just be all the drugs they force in him. Some day he's so high he can't even remember his name and he just sits laughing staring into nothing. I wonder when they'll start giving me drugs, I've never tried them before but there's a first time for everything. Besides it's not like we have choice in whether or not we take them.

Frost has become our full time guard, him and another one. Can't remember his name though, something Y. Maybe it was Yoseph, no Yesef. No no no that's not it. I bang my head on the wall behind me and it suddenly hits me. His name isn't Yoseph or Yesef, it's Wicken. Yeah I remember it clearly now, Wicken the touchy touchy guard. He likes to take advantage of me while I'm either tied up or in a straight jacket. It makes me feel so dirty feeling his hands on my skin and no matter how many times I tell him to stop he never listens. With his creepy grin and oily skin, I cringe. He never does it when Joker watches though and I can't tell him.

"Frost" no reply "Frost" no reply " Frost"

"What?" He turn around and I can see him composing himself, good for him. He might make it working for my one and only if he keep this up.

"When do I start my sessions again?" I kinda miss going to Bob's sessions by now, maybe that's his strategy. Make me as bored as possible that I will willingly come back to him. Damn that man is good.

"Tomorrow" Frost states before turning back to his original position of staring into the wall at the far back in this ward. He need to loosen up a bit.

I nod even if he can't see it and start picking my nails, they look like crap and I desperately need a nail scissor or whatever they're called. English sucks. I've gone back to biting on them when I'm bored and to believe that I just quit that. One would think that there would be more action here but nope.

"Frost" yet again no reply "Frost" no reply "Frost"

He barks out a what this time and I can't help laughing at him. His expression is just so funny, his face gets all smushed and his cheeks are starting to get a red hint to them.

"Nothing" He scoffs at me and mutter under his breath something about me being annoying. You have no idea frostie the snowman how annoying I can be.

"You know I am missing so many episodes of american horror story right now"

"No one cares freak" Wicken tells me pointing a fat finger at me.

"That's miss freak for you" I respond to him. "And fifty points off whatever house you're from, actually scratch that. You're not good enough to be in any of those houses" I hotly declare before swiftly turning my back to both of them. I would of expected my so called daddy to make a witty remark or bark out a joke if he wasn't so drugged up. No matter though, I'll take care of him.

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