299 BCE: chapter 4

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that night:

court dancers' building: 

gauri gave the little girls back to their mothers and then went into the room where she and her adopted mother akshani rested. akshani was sleeping. pooja lifted her pillow up and find a little book. she opened it and find a fresh new page. she got a quill and ink pot, dipped the quill in the ink and then the quill touched the paper:

dear diary,

today I got to know that the yuvraj...yuvraj ruhaan loves me. he fell for me at first sight and today I confessed to him that I love him but we can't be together.  I love him, I love him a lot. I have always admired him from afar but I always kept this in mind that he can't marry me. I am not of his caste. I am not of royal blood. I am only a dancer. I know that raja Abhay cares for his subjects but I also know he will never go against the laws...a royal has to marry royal. I have a strong gut feeling that he and raja Justin are planning something for the yuvraj and princess elis. I have to get over yuvraj ruhaan because ek yuvraj aur ek dancer....impossible.


she kept the diary to allow the ink dry. ruhaan's words were echoing in her head as she tried to sleep. 



ruhaan's room:

pooja wasn't the only one who had a diary. ruhaan had one and he also kept it under his pillow. 

dear diary,

I love her and she loves me. so what if I met her only today? love at first sight is beautiful. I know what the law is....a royal can only marry a royal and my pitaji won't change the laws. I don't care about the laws. now that I am in love, no one can stop me. not even my pitaji and his laws. ek yuvraj aur ek dancer...possible.


the next day:

outside the palace:

the king, his sons and their royal advisor sabu were in the courtyard talking.

Abhay: sabu, how did king Justin and princess elis find their sleeping arrangements?

sabu: they were grateful raja. 

abhay: that's great. sabu, I need a another favour from you.

sabu: anything for you raja.

Abhay: I want you to help ashok with his archery. 

ashok: what? but why pitaji? what about bhaiya?

Abhay: ruhaan is fine. all you need is help with your grip so sabu will teach you, right sabu?

sabu: of course raja. I will help rajkumar ashok to improve his grip.

ashok: ok pitaji, I will accept his help (in his mind) for you pitaji, everything I do is wrong in your eyes. I am very flawed in your eyes unlike ruhaan who is so perfect in your eyes. he has no flaw.  I can kill 15 people single handily...more than you and more than your pyaari se ruhaan but then again, I am flawed. there has to be some flaws in ruhaan if not a lot, then at least one flaw after all mishti is right, no one is perfect.

Abhay:  ruhaan, ashok, me and sabu need to go and talk to king Justin about some important matter. we will go now. bye.

ruhaan and ashok: bye pitaji.

Abhay and sabu went.

ruhaan: what happened ashok? you look as if you are about to kill someone.

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