2019: chapter 1

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a female voice yelled. 

a handsome young male was running down the stairs, terrified for his life. following him was a pair of fair bare feet. then you could see her gorgeous eyes - they were the colour of milk chocolate edged with a deep forest-green. then you could see her long beautiful hair - her hair shone like the sea at night, the black strands utterly white where the bright rays fell. as she moved, so did those brilliant bands, like echoes of the northern lights. 

the male quickly sat on the sofa where another handsome young male was sitting, looking at stuff on his laptop.

male 1 (terrified wala): my favourite sibling, save me!

male 2: kyu?

male 1: she is going to kill me today.

male 2: deal with it. she has attempted murder on me a million times. 

male 1: bhai I am younger than you, you should support me! it's suppose to be us against her. we are a stronger force.

male 2: I am busy.

just then the female came down the stairs, male 1 whispered to male 2: now that lioness has came.

male 2 whispering: today gauri will definitely kill someone. 

the two males turned to see the lioness of the house or in other words the princess of the house...gauri who was damn angry. anger boiled deep in her system, as hot as lava. 

male 2: gauri, what has mahir (male 1) done?

gauri: good question sid bhaiya (male 2). that bevakoof , who I am unfortunately related to, our mahir bhaiya and his friends decided to spam my iPad yesterday when he has his own! I find out today! 

sid: really? you are angry about that?

gauri: do you want me to go over every horrible thing you did to me?! 

sid: you deserved every bit of it!

gauri: you put orajel on my toothbrush and told me it was toothpaste. after I brushed my teeth, my mouth was numb! who does that to a 7 year old?

sid: a brother who wanted you to shut up.

gauri: and you mahir bhaiya...? you haven't done that many mean things to me but touching my stuff is off-limits!

mahir: who broke my laptop?

gauri: I was 10! give me a break!

mahir and sid: shut up daddy's princess!

gauri started to cry and sat in the middle of her two brothers with a sad and angry pout.

gauri: this is unfair! you two are supposed to be nice to me when mama and papa are not at home and instead you both bully me. you make me feel that I was found in a dustbin as a baby.

sid: you were though.

gauri smacked his arm but sid didn't make any reaction...he was used to it now.

gauri: in two days I will be 17 and you guys decide to team up against me. why couldn't I have had older sisters? you can't steal your older brothers' clothes and at least older sisters are nice and kind and caring!

sid: and how do you know this?

gauri: some of my friends are lucky to have older sisters.

mahir: you have friends? wow, I never knew that.

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