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Come on come on!

I can't be late here!

The professor will lock the door on me!

You keep yourself from tripping inside of the giant red brick college building when your wet feet touch the slick tiled floors, the choking smell of old brick and mildew filling your tired lungs.

Come on!

Where's room 201?!

Quickly grabbing the door facing you slide into the classroom as fast as possible, everyone's eyes gazing on your panting, sweaty self.

I made it...

"I'm guessing you must be Miss Y/N?"

"Yes...s-sorry I'm almost late.."

"No matter, sit down please."

You give your professor a soft bow and make your way to your seat with a little namecard on it, your wet body slumping down in the desk.

I'm exhausted...

I just can't wait to go home...

Two hours...

Lifting your head off your desk you glance over at the person beside you and blink, your eyebrows furrowing with confusion when you see his sunglasses.

Who wears sunglasses inside?

"Alright class while I get you all on the roster, get aquainted with your partner beside you, you will be doing a lot of work together this semester."

So sunglasses and I have to get acquainted huh.


Turning your body to face your partner beside you, your hand awkwardly extends for a handshake when you look at him.

"I um...I'm Y/N...what's your name?.."




"I'm the person you told to watch where I was going and called me a jerk."



Aw dangit.

"Wait you called him a Jerk?"

Your head whips over to a peppy looking blonde girl sitting in front of you, her face twisting with disgust.

"Why would you tell a blind person to watch where they're going?"



No way-

"I..I didn't know...he's..."

"That's pretty shitty to do to someone."

"But...I didn't know he was!-"

"Alright class quiet down. I'm going to begin explaining the rules for this class."

Damn it.

What rotten luck.

The ONE blind guy probably within miles of here, I manage to find.


Worst day ever I swear.

"Your first assignment will be personal. I want you to write a five page essay on your own life. Something you can read so everyone can get to know who you are."

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