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(Y/N's POV)

You want to be happy.

You want to feel all the overwhelming happiness and euphoria that should come along with keeping the house you grew up in.

But you don't.

Instead you find yourself mindlessly staring into the dish water with pained swollen eyes, two strong arms tenderly wrapping around your waist to bring you some comfort.

"You alright baby?"

"J-Jimin...why am I not happy?...."

"What do you mean?"

"I...I want to be so happy...I get my home...for years I lived in fear that I would lose it...but now...why do I still feel so sad..."

"Because you're still mourning, its natural to feel that way."

"Is it?..."

Jimin rests his chin on your shoulder and places a small kiss on your cheek, his warm chest bringing little comfort to your stinging heart.

"Of course it is. Some days you're going to cry...others you're going to be infuriated...and other days you're going to feel like not even getting out of bed...but that's okay. It's your natural human feelings, you can't just expect to wake up and be okay."

He is so precious....

"Thank you..."

Your voice is a stifled whisper as you lean back into Jimin's embrace and turn around so you can wrap your arms around him and melt into his embrace.

"When um...when do you guys have to move out?..."

"I wanted the paperwork to go quickly so I agreed we would move out in a week. I made sure everything was alright with Jungkook...but him and I will handle this baby. Don't worry about moving everything."

"Well I want to help...Hobi and I can pitch in...plus you need me to lead you everywhere right?"

You give Jimin a small cheeky smile and stand on your tip toes so he can give you a kiss, your heart fluttering in your chest when he leans forward and places a tender peck on your lips.

"Well of course I need my guide. I couldn't get anywhere without you."

"You know...what about your leading stick?...what about when you get that?..."

"I already have it?"

"Wait what?"

"I got the replacement two weeks after our encounter."



Jimin chuckles and kisses you again before nuzzling his face into your neck, his fingers tracing small dainty circles on your lower back.

"I didn't want you to go....so I hid the stick. I don't want to use a piece of plastic....especially when I have you...you held my hands...and even though you were sloppy you talked to me and took me places I had never been before...plus...your voice is so pretty."

He's had the stick this whole time-

"When were you going to tell me you got it?"


"Park Jimin!"


"I...I'm not going anywhere...you can use your walking stick so you have some independence..."

"Baby...I haven't been independent since I got injured. I'll never lead an independent life."

I guess he's right...even with the stick he's still dependent on it leading him to the right place...with no sense of direction...

"Alright then...I guess I can keep being your guide, but on one condition."

"Oh? What's that?"

"A kiss."

"Just one?"


"Alright then...you've got a deal."


"Wait Noona...I really get my own room here?.."

"Mhm! Can you make it up the stairs?"

You watch Jungkook nod and eye the staircase with unfazed determination, his stride slow as he follows directly behind you.

"Of course Noona. I'm a man."

"That you are."


"Alright...this room right here..."

Sliding your hand on the old doorknob you twist it and enter the old closed up room, the light making the many computers and soundboards suddenly come to life.


"Woah...Noona...what is all of this?"

"This...was my Appa's study, he would sit up here for hours on end and write songs...make beats to songs...he created a whole album up here one time and he let me sit on his lap and be the first one to listen to it."

"Wow...so all of this stuff was his?..."

"Mhm...this was his "Mini Genius Lab" as he called it."

"Noona...I don't wanna take your Papa's room....this stuff is all his..."

"I know...but there isn't that much in here...and I figured since you're into music...you could maybe play around with all of this...it's really expensive tech stuff he even kept all of the books on how to use it."

"Wait...wait really? I can use all of this?"

"Mhm...my dad even had journals he wrote songs in that you could flip through, I'm not musically inclined like my Appa was so I don't know anything about it."

You look over at Jungkook and smile seeing him gaze at the giant room with wonder, your hands grabbing the familiar worn out denim jacket off of the chair.

"You can decorate this however you want. Whatever you don't want in here we can move down to the basement. I'll make Hobi do all the heavy lifting."

"Noona....thank you....."

"No Kookie....thank you. What you and Jimin have done for me...honestly I can never thank you enough or give you enough to pay you back for it."

Jungkook eyes you with his familiar boyish bunny smile, his body resting onto the desk chair while he fights to keep his eyes open.

"How about a lifetime of snuggles."

"A life time?"

"Yeah! Like whenever I need snuggles...you'll be there to give them to me!"

"Hmmm...a lifetime you say?"


You walk over to Jungkook and tenderly fold him into your embrace, his head fitting perfectly right in the bend of your neck.

"That sounds perfect to me Kookie, you have a deal."

"Nice doing business with you Noona."

(A/N): I know you all think this book is slow, but I have 3 different character POVs I'm trying to do :'D pls bear with me :'D

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