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"Jungkoookkk waaakkeee uuuppppp~"

You smile when Jungkook begins to stir against your chest as you still cradle his head in your arms, his eyes lazily opening and glancing up at you.


"Your hair is done, do you want to see it?"

"Mhm....but...can I..lay down..."

"Are you hurting?"

Jungkook nods softly and you immediately help him up and quickly get him to his room and into his bed, his jaw tight with pain.

"Noona...why does it hurt so badly.."

"Aww Jungkook..."

"It hurts to even breathe.."

"Shhh just lay down, I'm sorry I had you sit up for so long..."

"No no...I like being able to sleep on you...you're warm..."

You smile softly and stack up pillows behind Jungkook's back so he can be slightly leaned up, his hands reaching up and feeling his hair.

"Can I see it now?"

"Of course!"

You smile wide and quickly grab a mirror and show Jungkook his new hairstyle, his tired doe eyes widening in shock.

"Woah...what...my ends...they're blonde..."

"I wanted to surprise you with some blonde ends blended with your brown...your skin tone is very nice so you look good with it..do..do you like it?..."

"Noona.....I love it..."

You watch Jungkook grab the mirror and stare at himself in it, his voice a light cracked whisper when he speaks.

"I look....handsome..."

"Yes you do...my Appa liked being blonde...so I had a little bit of skill in it..."

"Noona....you're the best...Thank you....so much..."

"You're so welcome, I think it makes you look very mature! You definitely look eighteen now."

"Really? You think so?..."

"Definitely! You better watch out or someone is gonna snap you up."

Jungkook simply smiles at you and continues to play with the curly blonde locks as you tenderly rub his back, your heart warm watching how happy he is.

It's been so long...

"Are you hungry Jungkook? I'm fixing to make dinner so if you want some I'll make you some. I need to go wake Jimin up too..."

"Ah...I don't know if you'll be able to wake him up Noona..."

"Really? Why? Is he a heavy sleeper?"

"Well...Hyung has a time release sleep medicine that he takes everyday...since he can't see anything his brain doesn't recognize night or day so he ends up having extreme insomnia...his medicine makes him sleep pretty deeply..."

"Oh...maybe I should just let him sleep then..."

"You can try to wake him up but it's kind of hard."

"Okay, you stay here and rest, I'm going to go make dinner."

"Can I go pee?"

"Well...I mean yeah..."

"Oh good."

You giggle at Jungkook's boyish smile he gives you before walking out of his room and glancing at Jimin's door, your teeth nipping at your lip in light nervousness.

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