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"Do you promise you'll leave after I fall asleep?"

"I promise."



After tucking Jungkook into his bed you crawl under Jimin's covers and rub his chest, his body turning towards you so he can pull you against him.

"Mmm....You're so comfortable.."

"I could say the same for you."

You giggle against Jimin's exposed chest and feel his hand litter down your spine and press against your lower back, his lips tenderly connecting with yours.

"I like it when you wear my shirt."

"I like it too, they're so comfy."

Your face breaks out in a deep blush when Jimin kisses your neck and rests his face against your skin, his warm breath giving you slight goosebumps.

"I love holding you..."

You let out a soft chuckle and push your fingers through his hair as he lets out a soft groan, his embrace tightening around you.

"I love it when you hold me ChimChim....now get some sleep.."

"Okay but I'm serious please-"

"I already know, I'll go sleep with Jungkook after you fall asleep."


Shutting the bright lamp off in the bedroom you bury your face into Jimin's hair and feel the steady beat of his heart against your chest, his body warm as he clings to you almost desperately.

I'm sorry ChimChim...

Looks like I have to break another promise....

You feel his entire body relax and fall into a light slumber as he lets out a sigh, your lips twisting into a small smile.

I love you so much....

You have to bear this burden all by yourself and holding it up is hurting you...but don't worry...I'll help you...I'll bear this burden with you and hold you up....


After about an hour of laying there awake you feel Jimin's hands slightly grip your shirt and his voice turns to a small whisper, his breathing suddenly becoming labored.

"No...Mama...Mama please....please wake up Mama!"

You tighten your hold around Jimin and press his head against your chest as you feel tears hurting your T-shirt and his grip now extremely tight on your skin, his entire body shaking and vibrating with pain.

"N-No! J-Jungkook! M-Mama! No! Please! Don't hurt them!"


Poor Jimin...

"Hey...Hey I'm right here Jimin...I'm right here...."

"M-Mama! Please! Jungkook!"

"Shhhhh Jimin it's alright...I'm right here...take a deep breath now...it's gonna be okay..."

He lets out a stifled cry and buries his head into your neck as he slightly fights against your hold on him, every breath he takes full of small whines.


"I'm right here Jimin...I'm right here..."


You suddenly feel his body relax and melt into your embrace as he curls up against you like a child would while you tug the blanket back over his body.

"There we go...now you can sleep soundly Chimchim."

You look down at his face and lean forward while kissing away the stray tears on his cheeks with a smile before placing a small peck on his lips.

"I love you so much Jimin."


Laying your head down on the pillow beside him you place your hand on his cheek and listen to his steady breathing, your own eyes beginning to grow tired.

Now we can both get some good rest...

Because I do want to sleep with you...

I don't wanna sleep in my room...and Jungkook is getting better...I don't want to smother him...

Ill sleep for a minute and then I'll get up...I'm just so tired....







Oh shit.

You quickly open your eyes and look up at your boyfriend who has an agitated look on his face, his entire body tense and full of anger.


"You said you would get up."

"Well...you see...I...I did!"

"Don't lie."

Aw man.

"B-But you did fine through the night...you woke up once and you didn't do anything! I just held you...and you calmed down and went back to sleep..."


His expression softens and fills with hurt as he sits up and yanks his hand through his hair, his tone blank and somber.

"Please....please this is the one thing that I ask...the thought of me hurting you again is killing me inside and every morning I'm going to wake up in fear because I can't see you. If it wasn't for Jungkook I know you would have never told me about your injury, how do I believe you?"

You look down and try not to drool over Jimin's exposed abs as you crawl into his lap and kiss him deeply, his hands automatically pressing against your waist.

"I'm sorry....it's just...I don't want you to go through this all by yourself...you have no one to talk to about the things that are happening to you...so I thought if I stayed and held you then you would feel better when you woke up...."

"This isn't something that can be fixed by cuddling baby...I wish it was that easy but it's just...other than being blind it's my biggest plight on this earth and I cannot stand the thought of you being in the cross hairs."

Letting out a deep sigh you press your lips against his cheek and pout when his hands come up and tenderly press against your cheeks.

"Quit pouting."



"You can't stop me."

"Oh? Is that so?"

You let out a loud squeak and giggle when Jimin lays you down on the bed and showers your cheek with kisses, his hands holding both of yours above your head so you can't fight against him.

"Now, what was that?"

"I'll still pout."

"Then I'll give you more kisses."

"Why would I stop pouting then?"

Jimin pauses before you let out a laugh and wiggle under him, your lips connecting with his jaw line in a small kiss.

"Fine, I'll stop pouting. Only if I can have lots of kisses."

"I like that deal."

I guess I don't understand why he wants to be alone...but if I could possibly hurt my loved ones and not be able to know about it...maybe I would do the same thing...

(A/N): Phew, I'm on a roll :P

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