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"Noona! Noona are you okay?!"

The second you and Jimin enter the apartment you're met with a concerned Jungkook, his forehead beaded from sweat with obvious discomfort.

"Kookie...what are you doing standing up you're supposed to be in bed..."

"Hyung started running around and saying you were in trouble...he left so fast I didn't have time to ask him what was going on...Noona...you're soaking wet! And your hand is bleeding!"

"Your hand is bleeding?"

"I-It's fine you guys really...I just...punched a wall..."

"Noona...I know where the first aid kit is I'll get it and-"

"And you will do neither of those things. You need to get back into bed and rest."

Your heart tugs in your chest when you look up at Jungkook's sad eyes, his lips turned down in a tender pout.

"But...Noona...you helped me when I had owies...why can't I help you with yours..."


He's too cute.

"Actually...I may go take a shower first...I'm freezing."

"Go ahead Y/N. Your duffle bag is wet so we can go into my room and get you some clothes."

Following behind Jimin you walk into his bedroom and watch him open up his closet door and motion his hand.

"You can pick whatever you like."


"Y/N please, I can't pick clothing out so, please just pick some."

You give him a small smile while pushing a wet strand of hair behind your ear, your body itching to just crawl into Jimin's comfy blanket and never come out.

"But I want you to pick me something..."

"I...I can't see any of it so it never looks good."

"So? It's just for hanging around here...please?"

Jimin heaves a deep sigh and begins feeling around his closet as he tugs out a sweatshirt, his finger pointing at it as he turns towards you.

"What color is this?"


You grab the shirt from Jimin and watch him with endearment as he feels around his sweatpants, his lips pressing together in a thin line.

"What color is this?


"White and black go well together still...right?..."

"Yes...Thank you..."

You grab the sweatpants from Jimin and place a tiny kiss on his cheek before you escape into the bathroom as quick as possible, your eyes widening when you look at yourself in the mirror.

Oh my god...

I look...like hell.

After turning the hot water on and getting undressed you step into the small shower and allow the hot water to wash over your body, the water stained pink from the blood on your knuckles.

Oh Jimin...

You came and found me...amongst the pouring rain and your sensitive hearing...you still found your way to me...

You quickly wash your hair and get out of the shower so Jimin can get in, suddenly sinking with insecurity as you comb your fingers through your wet hair.


Now I bet Jimin thinks I'm pathetic...he's gone through so much...I couldn't imagine going through what he did...

When you open the bathroom door you look up and see Jimin grabbing his white blanket and a couple pillows, his head turning towards you with a smile.

"What...what are you doing?"

"Well...you're obviously upset...and I'm sure you have a lot of questions for me...so I'm bringing all of this out into the living room so we can lay on the couch..."

You feel heat creep up to your cheeks as you stare at Jimin warmly, the sweatshirt almost touching the tops of your knees.

"Okay...I'll um...give Jungkook his medicine and get him resting..."

"Okay, take your time."

Going into the kitchen you quickly make Jungkook a sandwich and grab his medicine, his gaze full of concern when he looks up at you.


"I know Kookie...I just...I didn't have a very good day.."

Jungkook does his best to sit up as you hand him the plate of food and sit on the bed beside him, his head laying on your shoulder.

"Noona...I..I was so scared..."

"I know...I'm so sorry...I didn't know Hobi called here...actually I didn't even know Hobi thought anything was wrong...but I stopped by your school today and get your books."


"Eat your sandwich so you can take your medicine, it's my fault that you're an hour late for it."

"It isn't your fault Noona...I'm just happy you're here now..."

Leaning down in Jungkook's bed you allow him to lay on your chest and carefully eat his sandwich, his eyes gazing up at you lovingly.

"Hey Noona?"


"I love you."

"I love you too Kookie."

"Um...please don't be sad Noona...I promise I'll tell you all the time how much I love you if you won't be sad."

You turn and look at Jungkook before placing a small kiss on his forehead and snuggling into his bed, his head now on your chest after he took his pain medication.

"I won't be sad for you Kookie, okay?"

"Okay Noona...this medicine is gonna make
Me sleepy again...will you stay with me until I fall asleep?..."

"Of course I will Kookie, was your sandwich good?"

"Mhm...Noona you even make sandwiches delicious, I think you're magic."

"Oh Kookie I'm so far from magic."

"Not to me, to me you're magic Noona. You can make the best food and when I have a bad day, I just know I can lay with you and I'm all better."

You try your hardest to hold in the tears welling in your eyes as you bury your face in Jungkook's hair, your voice lowering to a small whisper.

"Thank you Kookie...that means the world to me..."

"Noona......you're....like an Eomma.....I wish...you could be my....Eomma....."

You sit up and look at Jungkook with wide eyes as he is already in a deep sleep, his chest slowly rising and falling as you allow the tears to roll down your cheeks.

I won't let you see me sad Kookie...

Because out of the three of us...

I think your story may be the most tragic...

(A/N) :3

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