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(Jimin's POV)



Jimin shifts his body and lays his arms out beside him to grab onto Y/N, his forehead crinkling with a frown when he feels the place beside him empty and cold.



"Jungkook? Where's Y/N?"

Jimin's entire chest clutches with anxiety as he sits up and begins feeling around the bed, Jungkook's sleepy voice cracking through the silent room.

"Noona woke me up this morning and said she had an emergency...she said you could call Hobi Hyung...he came and picked her up this morning..."



She promised...

"Jungkook...can you dial the number on your cellphone?"


Jimin sits at the edge of the bed and hangs his head with the disappointment that courses through his chest, the corners of his eyes filling up with light tears.

She left...

She told me she would be here when I woke up....

"Here Hyung...."

Jimin quickly grabs the phone from Jungkook and presses it against his ear, Y/N's tiny cracking voice sounding through the small machine.

"Jimin...I am so sorry..."

"Y/N where are you?"

"I....it's my house...."

"Your house?"

"Yeah...I'm here with Hobi I promise I didn't mean to leave you but...but since my mom is gone now...they're going to take it.."

Oh my god....

Her home?....

"Wait why are they doing that?"

"Her leftover hospital bills...they...I-I can't p-pay them off so now that she's gone...she didn't leave the house in my name so the debt didn't fall on me...so they're going to take it and sell it for her hospital bills."

"But...but it's your home!"

"I know Jimin....I-I can't-"

Jimin feels his heart shatter when Y/N hiccups and her voice breaks down, her little sniffles causing tears to well in his eyes again.

"How long do you have to be out of the house?.."

"Th-They gave me f-four hours...Jimin I- I don't know what to do..."

"I'll come help you baby. Do you want me there?"

"Y-Yes. I thought I could do this with just Hobi but I'm having a h-hard time..."

"Say no more Baby. I'll be there as soon as I can."


"Don't. I'll be there."

Jimin immediately hangs up the phone and gets up while opening his closet doors, his hands fiddling through the clothing.

"Hyungie let me help you."

"Okay...do you feel well enough to stand?"

"Yeah, I feel a lot better today actually Hyungie...I can take deeper breaths..."

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