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"Alright everyone. You have one week to read the book and hand me in your report. I'll see you all tomorrow."


I can go check on Mom.

"What are you doing after class Y/N."

You internally sigh and look over at Jimin, who meets you with sunglasses and a tender smile.

"Going home."

"Me too."


You don't offer him a kind tone as you quickly pull your bag off of the ground and take off out the classroom door, your hands tugging the purple umbrella out of your bag.

Good thing Eomma lent this to me...

I'd be soaked without it.

I'll go check the other district for job openings before I go to the hospital...Eomma hates it when I see her so sick...

The umbrella releases and extends over your head as you begin walking down the busy city street, thick sheets of rain pecking the soft nylon material.

Stupid rain.

Why can't it just be sunny.

Your feet carry you across the rain soaked roads as your eyes scan around for the familiar red and white signs, your heart sinking when you make it all the way to the end of the road with no signs in sight.

Did everyone decide to get a job at the same time or something?!

Why doesn't anyone have a sign out?...

Oh well...I guess I'll just go home...

I don't have any money for food yet...maybe I can swipe some crackers from the hospital cafeteria...

You turn your body around and begin to walk back down thw street, the rain getting harder and harder the more you walk.

Is my umbrella even going to hold in this?

This rain is pretty bad.

I better hurry home.

You turn your body to am empty street as a shortcut to the hospital, sudden muffled cries catching your attention.

Is someone there?

You begin looking around as the rain deafens the sounds coming from an alley up ahead, your eyes cast to the ground.

This is a pretty rough area...

I better keep moving.

"Help! Help!"

Wait...do I know that voice?

You carefully creep up against one of the old brick buildings as you gaze down the grimy alleyway, the dimly lit street light gleaming against familiar dark hair.

Oh my God!


You drop your umbrella and run down the alleyway to the two men, a plastic snapping sound sending shivers down your spine.

"Stay where you belong blind eyes."

"Hey! Why not pick on someone your own size!"

The two men turn and look at you as you swallow hard, their massive heights definitely towering over your body.

"Keep your place pipsqueak and get out of here."


Oh hell nah.

Through My Eyes |PJM Fanfiction|Where stories live. Discover now