CHAPTER 5: The Kidnapping

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"This is awkward." I say looking at everybody around me and then looking down at me.

"No. It isn't." He says not looking up from his phone.

"Yes. It is." I look at the clothes the ladies were wearing at the table beside me.

I could feel their laser gazes on me. It is very obvious, I am wearing ripped jeans and a light blue shirt on a five star restaurant and having dinner with my stubborn boss.

This is so embarrassing!

"If you are not liking this place, we can leave." He says still not looking up from his phone.

"Leave? Leave?" I chuckle. "So if I don't like this awfully expensive restaurant, I can leave?"

"No. Now you can't leave because you said 'if' which means you may have a liking for this restaurant. The decision is yours."

My mouth was left agape. "My decision? I wonder why you didn't have my decision included when I said I didn't want to go anywhere with you." I say sarcastically.

"Well you were being reluctant to come with me."

"So you kidnapped your employee?"

"Kidnap is a strong word, Miss Green. I would say taken without permission." He says still not looking up from his phone.

I need to get his attention out from his phone. So I do what any person would do.

I snatch his phone.

Mr King finally looks up at me and scowls. "Give me my phone back, Miss Green." He says in a very dangerous tone which was supposed to scare me.

But it didn't.

I put his phone inside my pocket, fold my hands and give him a smirk. "Oh really? First tell me how come you're early?"

"I felt that the conference didn't need my presence, so I left." He says narrowing his eyes at me.

If looks could kill, I would have been long dead, buried and even decayed. But they don't!

"Second, how did you know where I was? Were you following me? Oh my God! You were stalking me?! I've been working for you for six months and—" I stopped when I realized that I was rambling.

"Are you done Ms Green?" He asked in a bored tone.

"Sorry." I smile sheepishly.

"I was not stalking you. I just happened to be in the neighborhood."

I don't believe this man here. Not at all.

"Oh." That was the only thing that I could muster up to say.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"I was hungry."

"So? You could have gone alone to eat. Why did you bring me here?"

"I saw you walking down the street, alone. So I did what any human would do. I gave you a lift."

First of all, he's not human. If he was he could have been a little less rude with me like he is now. Secondly, I was not alone. I had my thoughts with me.

"I didn't ask you for a lift." I mumbled while I lift my glass to drink.

An awkward silence passes through us.

"I wanna go home." I start whining like a five year old.

"Give me my phone back and I'll drop you off... "

"We have a deal." I say immediately. I take his phone out and give it to him. He immediately takes it.

"... After I have my desert."

The hell?! And we have just started our course. He again starts typing on his phone.

I roll my eyes at him. Better enjoy the free food!


I fish out my phone from my bag. I have a good feeling about this...

'sry pretty lady, had to go out for work purposes'

'OMG! U finally have some work to do?'

'very funny girl *eye rolls*'

I look up from my phone to see Mr King having a little smile on his face while he was typing on his phone.

What the fuck? Mr King? Smiling?

I was in total awe. It's like seeing a shooting star for the first time. Even though I've never seen one but really hope to see one day.

' well I had few meetings and errands here and there...'

' no probs. I was busy too.'

Lies...Oh shut up!

'actually I'm having dinner with a girl, but it looks like she's not enjoying it so much.'

Ouch! What in the world did I just feel? Was that a stab of knife or something? No, it can't be.

He's just a guy that I met online. We just chat with each other without getting too much information about each other. It doesn't matter. But he at least revealed something about him.

Maybe I should help him? No. that would be interfering his personal business.

'Y? If u don't mind me asking..'

'umm... She's kinda mad at me'

I wonder why...

' any tips? On how to impress her?'

Ohk. Now he asked for it. It is my business now.

' apologize to her ' I type.

' what?! '

'just listen. Apologize, start a conversation and apologize again. She'll sure listen *wink*'

I finally put my phone in my bag without looking at his reply and continue eating.

I look at Mr King again and see that he seems to be in deep thought.

Hmm...bipolar much?

He catches me staring at him.

You know that moment when you get so lost in looking at someone's eyes that you forget about everything else around you? I think that was the exact same thing happening right now.

Mr King was still in deep thought but was staring at me with a different emotion in his eyes. I also took my time checking out his features.

Broad shoulders, jet black hair, it kinda looks like he hasn't shaved for a couple of days. I can see a bit of facial hair on his perfect jawline. Light blue eyes, a perfect nose, thin pink–wait what?

Light blue eyes? I thought they were dark blue. Well that's new.

Oh shut up Beth! That's not new. You never noticed it.

He clears his throat which brings me back from my Dreamland.

What in the world did I just did? Checking out my boss? Concentrate on eating, Elizabeth!

Mr King again clears his throat and I look up to him and see that he's avoiding my gaze.

Should I ask? Should I not ask? Should I ask? Should I not ask? Should I ask? Should I not—

"Mr King? Are you all right?" I finally asked.

"I..." I nod my head to show him that I am listening.

"I–I am–" Is he stuttering? Wow that's new.

He drinks his glass of water and looks at me with determination. I give him a confused look. He closes his eyes and sighs.

"I am thinking about opening a new branch in England."

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