CHAPTER 33: It doesn't matter

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I feel like something is poking me. I swat my hand at the object.

That was hard...

"Oww! Damn girl. You're too violent in sleep." A voice whimpers.

"Leave her Romeo. Let her sleep." Another voice speaks.

"But I'm getting bored." The voice whines.

"Go play fetch with Jason." A third voice probably a female speaks.

"Fine." I feel some shuffling in the seat and someone's presence beside me but I'm too lazy too open my eyes.

The person starts playing with my loose hair strands and later tucks them behind my ears. It's a really nice feeling. The warmth of the hand is soothing me and I sigh in relief.

"Looks like someone's finally awake." A voice huskily whispers in my ears which gives me goosebumps.

"Go away." I mumble.

"Never. I'll never go away." It felt like a promise more than a statement.

I slowly open my eyes and look around my surroundings. Candice and Richard are sitting at the bar stool, Mark and Jason are probably in some room. Eric is staring at me intently.

"Damn you Mark." I start whining for my lost sleep. Eric chuckles lightly.

"Where is that boy? I want to kill him." I grit my teeth and search for that man-child.

Seriously? What does Ari see in him?

"He's playing fetch with Jason." Candice replies nonchalantly taking a sip of her lemonade.

"Fetch? In the plane?" I snort trying to ignore the tingling feeling I'm having as Eric plays with my fingers.

Suddenly the door of a room bursts open and a stick comes flying out of it, followed by Mark running behind it. Jason is standing right by the door watching him amusingly.

"Go fetch!" How in the world did they find a stick? The stick lands behind my seat so Mark is running towards me to fetch it.

I do what my instincts say. I pull out my leg in front of his path which causes him to trip and kiss the floor. Jason and Richard burst out laughing and Eric chuckles lightly. Candice rolls her eyes.

"I think I already have a fifth child, I just realized it too late." She muttered finishing up her drink.

Mark gets up and glares at me.

"Huh? What did I do?" I ask innocently.

"You..." He points his index finger at me.

"Me?" I point myself giving him my puppy dog eyes. We continue staring for sometime till Mark exhales loudly, mumbles some incoherent words and walks away.


"So, Elizabeth—" Candice says.

"Call me Beth."

She gives me big smile. "Beth, what are your plans later this week? I was hoping that we could meet up or have some girl time or whatever you want." She shrugs her shoulders.

"I'm free. My week's gonna go by working..." I point to Eric. "....sleeping, probably meeting up with a friend and working in shifts at the cafe."

"She makes the best caramel creme." Eric speaks in between and I hit his arm, glaring at him. He whimpers in pain."Mark was right. You are violent." He rubs his arms. I shook my head.

"Yeah, I could meet you." I give her a small smile.

"Great! I'll text you later." She claps her hands in excitement and jumps off the stool.

Richard panics. "Careful baby. Don't get too excited." Candice glares at her husband.

"Don't tell me what to do and what not to do. It's your fault that I'm in this condition." She snaps and walks away to a room. Richard sighs deeply, gives us a small apologetic smile and walks behind his wife.

I better be careful of her. Her hormones are on fire.

I look beside me and see that Eric is sleeping peacefully. When did he sleep?

His palm is entwined with mine and he has a small pout on his face. A smile slowly appears on my face, then memories of last night invades my mind and I try to shake it off.

Relax girl! Stop thinking too much!

It actually doesn't matter to me whether he goes to meet some random chick or some friend, who just happens to be of the opposite sex.

It doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter to me. It does—

Suddenly I hear a light snore as Eric snuggles tightly to me. I turn into a tomato. He wraps his arms around my stomach and leans his head on my shoulder.

Great! I'm trapped again.

I am feeling thirsty and I want to drink water but I can't even lean to the table. I try to reach the glass with my hands without leaning but fail to do so.

I try to lean forward but Eric groans softly and holds me tighter. I sigh in defeat.

One of the bedroom door opens up and Jason walks out, busy working on his phone.

"Jason." I whisper very softly.

He looks up and sees my state. A smile crept up on his face. Not a mischievous or a amusing one, but a proper smile.

"What happened?" He mouths me.

I point to the glass of water on the table in front of me. 

"Of course." He whispers. He hands me the glass of water. I drink it and he places it back on the table.

"Thank you." I mouth him back.

Jason takes out his phone from his pocket and clicks a picture of Eric in this position. I look at him quizzically.

"For blackmailing him in the future." He speaks little loudly which causes Eric to groan again. We both chuckle lightly.

"You should also sleep, we still have two hours to land." He tucks my loose strand of hair behind my ear. I nod in agreement.

Jason walks to some other room and I lean on his head, which is on my shoulder.

It doesn't matter to me as long as I matter to him.

Soon darkness overcomes me.


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