CHAPTER 20: His sister

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"Excuse me." I look up from my laptop but find no one.

I'm pretty sure somebody called me.

"Excuse me, Ma'am." It's a child's voice. I look down from my table and find a little girl standing in front of it.

Is she lost?

She's wearing a pink floral frock, with pink sandals. Her hair is tied into two cute ponies and her eyes are awfully quite familiar.

Where did I see those eyes?

"Yes? Are you lost, honey?" She must be probably one of the client's child who came here an hour ago. She should probably be around six? Seven years?

"No." She tries to touch my hair but she is not able to reach. I get up from my chair and bent down to her. She touches my hair.

"Your hair is so soft. Just like Sofia!" She giggles. That's the cutest sound I've ever heard after Mr King's laugh.

What the hell is wrong with me?

"Sofia? Is she your sitter or friend?" I ask her.

"Sofia the First. She is everybody's friend." She gives me toothy smile. Her two front teeth are missing.

"Well, my little princess, where are your parents?" I ask her.

"They are with Ricky." She replies nonchalantly, playing with my hair.

"Who's Ricky?"

"My brother." Oh. So her brother is also here.

"Where's your brother?"

"With my parents." I feel like I'm gonna have a hard time getting to know her.

"Did your parents go to the room which is beside this room?"

"Yes." Definitely a client's child. The room beside mine is Mr King's office.

"How did you find your way here?"

"My brother sent me." What a careless brother! He must be a teenager trying to avoid babysitting his sister.

But I didn't see any boy when I went out of my office. That's weird...

"Sweetie, can you tell me your name?"

She finally stops playing with my hair and looks into my eyes.

I'm sure I've seen those eyes before....

"You have pretty eyes." She says  in her cute voice.

"Thank you. You have pretty blue eyes too. Just like Cinderella."

She beams at me. "Thank you!"

"What is your name, princess?" I need to know her name so that I can find her parents.


"Hello Princess Melanie, my name is Elizabeth but you can call me Liza or Lizzy."

"Lizzy! I'll call you Lizzy." The child holds my hand.

"So are we friends now?"

"Yes!" Melanie says enthusiastically.

"Let check at the time." I make a dramatic look at my watch. "It's time for me to have lunch. Are you hungry Melanie?"

"A little. But my brother said to wait for him because he will have his lunch with me." She pouts at me giving me her puppy dog eyes.


" about we both wait for your brother?" I have to scold him.


I pick her up and place her on my seat. She starts drawing and colouring with the pen and few pages. I clear my desk for her to have more space.

I sit in my sofa and continue doing my work. I try to concentrate but my mind always wanders to Melanie's eyes.

Why can't I point out those eyes?

Knock! Knock!

Melanie jumps from the chair and runs towards me. She hides behind my legs.

Getting shy now are we?

"Come in."

Mr King opens the door and Melanie runs towards him.



Mr King opens his arms to hug her but she dodges him and runs to the man behind Mr King.

Phew! I almost took a wrong assumption.

The man enters the room and picks up Melanie. He must be in his mid fifties. A little too old to be Melanie's father.

"Hey princess, did you enjoy your stay here?"

"Yes I did daddy. I made a new friend. Her name is Lizzy." She says with loads of joy.

"Well I'm glad you made a new friend. Can I meet her?"

"Well, I have to ask her daddy. Let me ask her." She gets down from her father's hold and runs to me.

"Lizzy! Can you meet my daddy?" She asks me innocently.

I bend down to her height. "Of course Melanie. I would love to."

She takes my hand and walks me to her father. I finally get a view of the man. He seems familiar...

"Hello sir, my name is Elizabeth Green. You have a very charming daughter." He shakes my hand.

"Ah! You mu—"

"Honey?" A female voice interrupts us. The man turns around and Melanie runs towards the lady.

"Mommy! I made a new friend today. Her name is Lizzy and she let me draw on her paper."

"Wow. That's really nice of her. Did you say thank you to her?" The lady says in her sweet motherly tone. She must be around her mid forties and looks very classy.

"I didn't...but I will!!"

"That's my good girl." Her mother kisses her forehead.

I see Melanie's parents but I don't see her brother. I try look from the corner of my eye and see Mr King is leaning on my desk watching Melanie with a small smile.

"Excuse me." The lady turns to me. "I'm Elizabeth. You must be Melanie's mother."

"Yes. My name's Helen. Nice to meet you Elizabeth." She gives me a warm motherly hug.

"Sorry for asking, but where's Melanie's brother? I have to talk to him." My expression turns to a serious one.

"Why? What did Ricky do?" Mr King asks me suddenly having curiosity. Helen smiles at me amusingly.

"Well, he happens to be a careless brother. He left Melanie to my office's doorstep. He should be taking his responsibility as a brother." I state this as a fact.

Melanie turns to Mr King.

"Ricky? Why is Lizzy calling you careless?" She asks innocently.

What the fuck?

If Mr King is Ricky, Ricky is Mr King. Then the man I just met is Samuels King, founder of

The whole King family is here?!

Oh boy...I'm in so much trouble.

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