BONUS CHAPTER 6: We love you too

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"It's a boy."

Everybody gets up from their seats and I sigh in relief.

"Can we see them?" Candice asks Mark.

"Yes." I quickly rush to the hospital room where they are.

I stop on my track when I see the beautiful sight in front of me and lean by the door.

Arianna is all sweaty and she looks tired but has a big smile as she counts the toes of her son. I walk towards them and suddenly Ari scowls looking at me.

"He looks like his father. I was hoping for a girl who would look like me." She fake cries.

"I owe Mark hundred dollars." She wipes her fake tears.

"But those hundred dollars are worth it." I say to her.

"Yeah. It is." She says looking back at her son.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her.

"Exhausted. Happy. Sweaty. I feel like a huge part of my body has gone missing, but then I look at this little guy in my arms and the feeling simply vanishes."

"That's good. I've heard that women after birth are very exhausted." I state the fact.

"Oh so you've heard? When will you experience?" A blush comes up and I try to avoid her eyes.

She just ruined the little moment we're having!!

"I... What is his name?" I change the topic of the conversation. I look at the baby who is sleeping very peacefully in Ari's arms.

Why is he not crying? Or throwing tantrums like they are supposed to?

"I don't know. Can I just name him Baby? Or Boy? It would be easy." She shrugs her shoulders.

"How about Baby number one? I'm pretty sure that this little guy will sure having many siblings." I tease her and she turns crimson red.

She smacks my arm and suddenly we hear a faint cry.

"Oh fuck! Shhhh.... Mommy's here. Aunty Beth is a bad woman she made you cry." She rocks her child, trying to get him to sleep.

"Wow. The child hasn't even lived an hour on this world and already heard a curse from his mother. I wonder what his first word would be." I thought out loud which made me earn a glare from Ari.

"Do you want to hold him?"

"I thought you would never ask."

She passes me the infant not before kissing his head and I hold my nephew for the first time.

It's a very weird feeling actually. Holding your best friend's child you know? His eyes are closed shut, fists are balled up and his body is wrapped in a green blanket.

Slowly his eyes open and he stares right back at me, without emitting any sound. It's pretty clear that he's going to be a carbon copy of Mark. My heart skipped a beat when he blinked.

At that moment I realized that I was sure gonna bent hell and fulfill all his demands he would ask. For I had become an aunt and a godmother.

Two years ago, none of us would have ever thought that in distant future one of us is going to have a child or get married. It's funny how time flies so fast.

"It's incredible right? I can't believe I have a son. Mark's still a child. How am I gonna raise another one?"

I never take my eyes off him. "You'll be fine. You have us."

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