CHAPTER 43: Jake's invite

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I arrange the files and set it aside for Mr King and then answer an important email.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in." I press the send button.

"Wanna join me for lunch?" Jake leans by the door, smirking at me.

I had totally forgotten about lunch. But I can't leave now, I still have to make notes and complete few files before I leave.

It's actually that time of the month. No, not that time of the month but that time of the month in which the workload is a bit too much. Last month, I even had to skip my lunch for four consecutive days to finish it.

"I'm sorry. I can't. Too much work." I give him an apologetic smile.

"Oh no. It can't be that time of the month!" He exclaims. "You are definitely joining me for lunch. I'll drag you down to the restaurant if you don't say yes." He says with a determination.

Drag me to restaurant? I scoff.

"Sorry Jake. I can't accompany you." I give him a challenging look.

He sighs. "So dragging to restaurant is it? Okay, as you wish." He rubs his palms and takes long strides towards me. He gives me a wink and then stands behind me.

What is he doing?

He grabs my chair. Oh God, please don't.

"Jake...we're at work. You can't do this. Please. I'll join you someday later or let you have my coffee any time you ask for it. I'll stop calling you a dog in my mind. I'll give you that receptionist Caroline's number, it's right there on the clipboard." I point to the direction of the clipboard.

"You call me a dog in your mind?!" Oh my God. That's the only thing he heard?

"Buckle up, dear neighbor. Next stop, the new Italian restaurant, opened in front of this building." And then he pushes my chair, taking me right out of my cabin.

"Jake!" I shriek as I grab hold of the armrest tightly and start screaming.

Somebody help!

I see Caroline chewing her gum, typing on her laptop.

"Caroline help!" She looks at me, gives me a bored look and continues typing.

Typical receptionists.

"Ahhh!!!" I scream as Jake increases the speed.

"Jake! Stop this nonsense right now. We'll get into trouble!" My pleas are absolutely useless. His pace slows down as we reach the elevator but then the door automatically opens up and Eric tries to step out of the elevator but Jake dashes in, making Eric scowl.

The door closes. All three of us are trying not to ask anything in this tension. I'm hiding my face with my hands, Jake is whistling softly and Eric is folding his cufflinks.

"So...where are you headed, Miss Green?" Eric speaks breaking this awkward silence between us.

"Lunch." I mumble, trying to hide my blush.

"She was being adamant about not joining me for lunch. It's that time of the month. So I gave her a lift." Jake said, "Sir." He adds at last.

Oh my God!!! He'll get an another impression. You do not tell your boss that it's that time of the month!

I blush in embarrassment. I really want to punch Jake for his idiotic choice of words.

"Hey Jake?" I look up at him.

"Yes Elizabeth?"

"Shut up." He only snorts in response.

"You could join us, if you want sir. We don't mind." I stamp Jake's foot and he groans.

"Thank you for your invite, Mister..." He trails off looking at Jake to tell him his surname but it looks like Jake did not get what Eric is trying to imply and simply looks at him. He then looks at me, mentally asking me to tell him his surname.

I shrug myself. I don't remember his surname.

He sighs. "Jake, but I already had my lunch." He finishes his statement.

"Oh. That's fine. Maybe next time. Right Beth?" He places his hands on my shoulders and I give him a fake smile.

I look at Eric and see that he is scowling at me.

Huh? What did I do?

I realize that Jake's hand are still on my shoulders so I remove them.

His expression turns to neutral and mumbles something.

"What was that?" Jake asks him.


The elevator door opens up and Jake drags me out in a normal pace. Oh yeah...I'm still sitting on the chair.

"Bye sir. It was nice meeting you." Eric only grunts in response, mumbles 'bastard' which I guess was not supposed to be heard by anyone and I try to stifle a laugh.

I lower my head in embarrassment and pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to avoid the weird stares the other employees are giving me.

I did learn one thing though...

Never mess with Jake.


Interesting fact, Jake dragged me back to my cabin.

That guy seriously has no shame. He didn't even let me stand up and sit on the restaurant's chair. He said that it was a punishment for even trying to refuse his invitation.


As soon as Jake closes the cabin door, I get up from the chair and sigh in relief. I'm not gonna sit now. I look at the mess on my table.

Huh? What is that?

I pick up a brown packet and open it.

Oh. My. God! These are painkillers and dark chocolates. He literally thought it's that time of the month!

I set these stuff aside and see a stick note on my laptop.

' try not to stress yourself. You may take an early leave today. Our second outing will be this weekend, at night. - E'

Awww...that's so sweet of him. Eric did say that he's taking me to an open ground, but what's there to look at an empty ground?

A carnival? But then that would not be an empty ground. It would be crowded. The note says that he's gonna take me out at night. What does it mean? What's there to look at night?

Ugh. Too many questions. I rather complete my work and use that early leave.


I take a peek at my phone and see that it's a message from Rick.

' I need ur help. Let's meet up next week.'

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