CHAPTER 23: Call me Eric

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"I'm sorry ma'am but the private elevator broke down earlier this weekend and the maintenance man is not available. So you have to use the employee service elevator." The security guard apologizes to me.

I'm already late, all thanks to Ari. She pranked me by turning off my alarm. Who in the world does that now? We're not teenagers anymore.

I was supposed to reach my office at eight thirty in the morning but now I'm fifteen minutes late. I'm pretty sure that Mr King would be fuming in anger right now.

But he's not the same man he was before...

Punctuality is punctuality. I could have reached in time but now this private elevator also broke down.

Only the people who work at the top floor that is me, Mr King and that receptionist Caroline are allowed to use the private elevator.

Perks of being an assistant to the CEO...

This is a seventy five storeyed building and my office is in the seventy fifth floor and the other employees have already started to come in. It's gonna take forever to reach my office!

I can't take the stairs even though it would be a great exercise but I don't have the time. I better take the employee service elevator.

"Beth!" I turn around and see Jake is walking towards me. "Hey. Why are you walking towards the employee service elevator?"

I huffed. "Well, the private elevator broke down. So I'm going to use the other elevator."

"Oh. That's sad but aren't you late?" He shows his fake concern but I know that he was also the part of Ari's plan.

"Yes. I am."

We walk together towards the elevator and see that it's entrance is crowded but it is way too quite. Only few whispers are able to hear.

That's so weird...

I follow everybody's gaze and find that a certain light blue eyed man is standing in front of the elevator, getting annoyed.

I try to stifle a laugh which was going to escape from me but I was too late.

Mr King snaps his head towards my direction and narrows his eyes. I'm pretty sure that all the other employees must be shaking in fear but it doesn't effect me. I know that even though he is annoyed about the break down, he's also embarrassed to find himself in this situation.

"You are late, Miss Green. I do not tolerate tardiness."

"I'm sorry Mr King but so are you." I apologise to him. I hear a few gasps from other employees who heard my back answer.

"The elevator broke down, Miss Green but I'm never late." His authoritative voice booms all over the floor. I have the strongest urge to roll my eyes at his excuse.

Control Beth...control.

"Yes sir, I know that." I said meekly.

"Good. I'm not gonna tolerate your tardiness next time Miss Green, is that clear?" Mr King warns me.

"Yes Mr King." I say in a bored tone.

The whispers have are still going on. Mr King gives them one look and it becomes an eerie silence.

Authoritative Drama Queen....

"So...that was weird." Jake whispers beside. I jumped in shock and place my hand near my heart, hoping it would calm itself.

"Jake! You scared me."

"You know I'll miss your coffee for a week or so." He whispers.

What's up with people and whispering?

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