CHAPTER 14: The Hangover

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Ugh. I pick up my alarm and throw it towards my door. I hear a smash. Good jo—Shit! My head hurts like hell.

I rolled over to the other side of my bed and saw a glass of water and few tablets placed on my nightstand.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion but soon sleep overcomes me.


I slowly open my eyes and see that it's a bit dim at my room.

Huh? Did the light fuse out?

My head starts throbbing. It's like thousand bottles have been smashed on my head. Oh God! It hurts so much!

I'm never drinking again. It's all Ari's fault. We could have had a movie night with junk foods but she had to pull me to the club.

Absentmindedly, I take the tablets and drink my water. I check my phone.

Hmm. Six missed calls from Ari, twelve from Kathy, five from Jake and three from Mr King?

Why would he call me? I made it very clear that I would be taking a leave today.

I'll call them later...

I get out of my bed and look down at myself.

What the hell! Who changed my clothes?!

Probably Ari... Right?

I walk to the bathroom, do my business and take a nice warm shower to relieve the hangover a little bit. As soon as the water hits my head, I sigh in satisfaction.

I get out of the bathroom, wrapped myself in a towel and walk to my closet.

I decide to wear my PJs and a loose shirt. I'm still feeling very sleepy, so my eyes are still not wholly open.

I drop my towel on the floor and take out my shirt from the wardrobe and that's when I heard a clearing of throat.

My eyes snapped open.

"Good evening, Elizabeth."

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