CHAPTER 13: Drunk night-3

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"What?" I ask him in confusion.

"I'm sorry." He repeats with some  unknown emotion in his eyes.

"I'm sorry for what?" I'm getting confused, what is he sorry for?

He runs his fingers through his hair and gives an exhausted sigh. "I'm sorry for everything. For taking you to the restaurant without permission—"

"You mean kidnapping." I correct him.

"What?" He gives me a confused look.

"You kidnapped me and took me to the restaurant. Now carry on."

"That was not kidnapping!" He whines like a five year old child.

"Geez, don't get your panties in a twist. Now carry on with what you were saying."

"Oh. Okay. As I was saying I'm sorry for taking you to the restaurant, avoiding you for these days and—" My ears are drumming loudly. "—and for being rude to you for the past six months. I'm sorry for everything."

I can now clearly identify what emotion was there in his eyes.

It was regret.

Oh. My. God

The Eric Samuels King just apologized to me.

"Miss Green?"

God! I think he has gone to some therapist to learn how to apologise.

"Miss Green?"

Am I too drunk that I have already started having hallucinations? I'm never taking those shots again.

"Miss Green?"

Did he have a change of heart or am I dreaming?

"Miss Green?"

No. It can't be possible. It was very clear to me from the first day that Mr King doesn't say sorry, thank you or please to anybody.

What changed him?


Shit! I think I just died.

I snap out of my daze and check his forehead for uneven temperature and later check his drink to find some sort of drug but I get nothing. He gives me a confused look.

"Checking for some sort of drugs in your drink." I reply to his unasked question.

"Why?" He gives me an exasperated look.

"I think somebody drugged you and you have started saying things you probably have never said to anybody. Do you want me to call the cops?" I say while trying to find my phone from my bag.

He grabs my wrist to stop me from taking out my phone. "What?! No! I'm perfectly fine and I'm not even drunk. Elizabeth, you heard me, I'm sorry."

Something happens at the pit of my stomach. Probably effects of the alcohol.

"Why?" His eyes diluted. "Why this sudden change of heart?" I ask him.

He gives me a small smile that made my stomach have some bubbly movements. "Somebody once told me that saying sorry doesn't hurt anybody's ego."

"Wow." I nod my head in agreement. "That's one great person. I would like to meet that person."

"Me too." He mumbles to himself but I heard it.

Whatever....I'm too drunk to hear hallucinations.

"Do you forgive me?" He asks me with pleading eyes.

What the...are those his puppy eyes?

They're so cute! Drunk Elizabeth, shut up.

I shrug myself. "Okay."

"You forgive me?" He asks me again as if he is not believing me.

"Yes. I forgive you because you realized your mistake and you apologized." He gives me a thousand watt smile showing me both his dimples.

Oh come on! Why do people like him get these things?! I wanted one.

"So we're good?"

"Pretty much." I said nonchalantly. "Yeah, we're good." I give him a genuine smile for the first time. He smiles back at me then he slightly furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"Shit! Jason! I had told him to stay at the counter till I clear things up." He takes out his phone to call him but stops.

"Never mind, he found his pleasure for the night." He shows me the message Jason sent him.


"Well Richard texted saying that he already left and what about your friends?" He asks me.

"My best friend—" I pointed at myself. "—already left with your best friend—" I pointed my finger at him. "—and I have no idea about Kathy." I giggled.

"You're very drunk, aren't you Miss Green?" He asks me in a playful manner.

"Very." I just can't stop giggling.

We both get up, well I tried to get up but lost my balance. Luckily Mr King catches me on time.

Our faces are way too close for my liking.

"You are very drunk, but you act as a sober very easily Miss Green. I'm impressed." He whispers as his breath fans over my face.

"I just happened to be talented in acting." I whisper.

He chuckles. "Yeah. I did notice that." He helps me stand straight and we walk out of the booth and that's when my head starts spinning.

"Hey Mr King, just a quick question." I ask him.


"If I don't remember these conversations tomorrow morning, will still act cold and rude towards me?" I start seeing black spots on my vision.

"If that's the case, you're in for a big—"

That's when I pass out.

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