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Now we're gonna be evil it's true
Never gonna think twice

I KICKED wildly, even reaching for my knife, but whoever it was was too strong. I sank my teeth into his arm and he hollered. I looked back and recognized the man immediately. But before I could say anything, my own blade was held just an inch away from my throat.


"Walk with us." The second man ordered, "It's not far."

"What does maleficent want now?" I said as they shoved me forward, "I didn't take anything from her since last time."

"She never tells us." One of them grunted, "So keep your mouth shut and walk."

"Can I at least have my knife back?"

They didn't answer. It was a five minute walk, but it seemed longer. Not because I was scared, but because I was confused. Maleficent means business. I didn't do anything.

We stumbled onto a wider road and I got even more confused.

Maleficent had her back towards me, her figure remained as intimidating as usual. And in front of her stood four kids, all being towered over by her henchmen.

Mal, her daughter, twirled a lollipop in her fingers, a little smirk on her face as she talked to her mother. Her hair was a dark shade of purple, complimenting the purple of her leather outfit and boots. The only encounter I ever had with her was when her mother caught me stealing in "her territory". I remember the empty look she gave me from the other corner of the room when the henchmen beat me up.

I recognized the son of Jafar, incredible at his art of stealing... my sandwich. His arms were crossed until he reached up to fix the beanie that covered his long hair. He didn't look so happy now.

The other two weren't familiar. A girl with blue hair and a pretty face, hands on her hips. Her outfit included a skirt, which I have to say, is not something you see everyday. A boy with white hair an inch above the roots stood next to her. His freckles and shorts added to his expression of innocence.

Maleficent turned to me and raised an eyebrow. "Took you long enough."

I almost fired sorry I didn't get the invite back at her but kept my lips sealed. Maleficent is not one to mess with. I was moved to the line of kids and they stared at me oddly. I glared back, especially at the son of Jafar.

Maleficent took the lollipop out of Mal's hands, spat on it, and instructed her henchman to give it back to some baby. I tapped my foot, impatient, as Mal and her started talking.

Suddenly, Maleficent squealed halfway through a conversation with her daughter. "Oh there's news!" She threw her arms up as if she just realized she gathered us for a reason. She cackled.

"You five have been chosen to go to a different school... in Auradon."

The message punched the wind out of me.

Auradon as in the I-am-a-good-and-I-help-people-in-need Auradon? Heck no I'm not going.

As if on cue, all of the kids except Mal and I rushed backwards, only to be held by the henchmen. Mal stood in her spot, stunned.

"What?!" She yelled, "I'm not going to some boarding school filled with prissy pink princesses."

I looked at her. She gets me.

"And perfect princes!" The blue haired girl lit up with glee.

This one doesn't get me.

"Yeah... I don't do uniforms." The son of Jafar said, he chuckled a little to hide his unease, "Unless it's leather. You feel me?"

He reached out for a high five from freckles, but the boy ignored him and edged forward towards Maleficent.

"I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon." He said meekly, "Mom said they're rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave..."

"WOOF." Jafar's son screamed in his ear. Freckles shuddered in fear.

I stepped up, "Yeah, we're not going." I said, shrugging, "Guess you gathered us here for no reason. Goodbye."

I was about to walk away when another henchman blocked my way. I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

"I don't need this." I shouted, "We've been living on the Isle for years! What good would it bring to send us to the very people who locked us in here?"

"Exactly." Maleficent replied, "You think this is small, Isle orphan? You're gonna be bringing bad to the good side. It's all about world domination!"

Freckles looked at me, as if saying what's Isle orphan?

"World domination is your game, not mine." I crossed my arms, "I take care of things by myself. Unlike you, ordering around a bunch of men because you're not powerful enough to do it yourself..."

"Watch your mouth, Brae." Mal threatened, "You're talking about my mom."

"Call me Brae one more time and I'll hurt you." I said.

"Not without your knife." She taunted.

I didn't reply when I realized she was right. When I looked forward again I was startled at how close Maleficent has gotten.

"Now, now." She said, locking her gaze on me, "Remember our last encounter, Isle orphan? We don't want that to happen again, now do we? This isn't an option. You go or you can say goodbye to your precious knife."

"Oi. Why am I the only one being threatened?"

She moved over to the others. "Same goes to all of you. You're all going."

Freckles gulped.

"Now cmon, Mal." Maleficent motioned to her daughter, "We have plans."

Everyone left, leaving me the the remaining three kids. The henchman from earlier threw my knife down on the ground. I inspected it and was about to walk out myself when the son of Jafar pulled me back.

"Brae?" He teased.

"Get out of my way." I hissed at him.

"Bro, you gotta stick with us." He said, getting all defensive, "All our parents are at Mal's. We're supposed to pack and stuff."

I almost laughed. "Parents? Never heard of them."

"Oh, right... You get a sandwich if you come along."

I eyed him suspiciously, then muttered a fine before following them.

The blue haired girl looked pleased, a little skip in her every step.

"Carlos you're shaking."

The freckled faced boy didn't look up.

"I can't wait to see his first encounter with a blood thirsty puppy." Jafar's son said.

"God, Jay, stop it." Carlos tutted.

"Evie was the one who brought it up!" Jay said.

I kept completely silent, listening closely to their conversation and making the name connections. As soon as I get my sandwich, I'll run away. No way I'm going to Auradon.

No freaking way.

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