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So we're different, whatever
Everyone can shine
This is the moment of our lives, 'cause we're better together

"COME ON!" Lonnie was yelling and pulling me by the arm, "The boys are waiting."

I was stumbling after her in my red dress, feeling a bit self conscious since all I've been wearing the past sixteen years of my life were baggy clothes. Evie finally found her excuse to do my hair and makeup. She had my hair curled and twisted into a bun, fastening it down with flower pins that matched my dress. The makeup was light, like Mal's. I was wearing boots underneath because screw heels- no one could see it anyway and I didn't want to constantly trip over myself.

Mal was in a v-neck dress that spread out like a fan at the bottom. The dark purple was complimented with an electrifying green that ran along the hem of the dress, a pair of miniature dragon wings on the back. And there was definitely a sprinkle of sass in the way the dress curved around her hips like it was born into the world just for her.

Evie's was strapless and feathery around the edges. The cape on the back that was attached with a red ruby at the corners. She obviously kicked in a little Evie pride with the hearts and crowns that was sewn into the fabric.

Needless to say, we were lookin' good. And it was all because of Evie's magical talents.

I couldn't help but wonder what outfit Evie had forced Carlos in.

When we arrived to the ballroom, my breath was taken away. Auradon had always been gorgeous, but this was beyond that. The tables were decorated with light purple laced tablecloth and white carnations evenly distributed. Purple banners hung from lamp to lamp. The lighting was soft. The scene was sprinkled with elegance. We had arrived early to help with the preparations, but it seemed like everything was already in place.

"Jane!" I shouted, trying to get her attention amidst all the guards who were rushing around to set food on the tables.

The short haired girl turned around with a clipboard in her hands and lit up when she saw us. I gave her a side hug.

"Beautiful dress!" Evie told her, examining the blue fabric.

Jane blushed. "Thanks."

"Everything looks amazing, Jane." Lonnie gushed.

"And beautiful decorations." Mal added, doing a full three-sixty to take it all in, "How'd you know my favorite color was purple?" She teased.

Jane grasped her hand. "I didn't." Her eyes sparkled. "But Ben did."

Mal looked at her, shocked. "B-Ben did this for me?"

Jane's massive grin was enough to answer that question. "The boys are on the other side if you want to thank him."

Indeed they were. Doug, Jay, Ben and Carlos were all in suits, back turned towards us as they pointed out ornaments.

"Ben!" Mal cried, running and throwing herself at him.

"Mal! Hey!"

The others turned around. I caught Carlos' eye and became too stunned to move.

Carlos had always been a pretty boy, downright adorable even. But this was quite the sight. The black and white jacket that hugged the upper part of his body made his shoulders seem boarder than usual. There was gold laced into the shirt underneath it and the red fingerless gloves that added a dangerous edge to the outfit. Zippers ran at odd angles on his red loose-fitted pants. It was such an Evie look, but he completely rocked it.

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