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I can't get you out of my head
There's no coming back from this
You did what you did
Now I gotta live with it

"SOMEBODY HELP me with this." Evie called, struggling to uncover the car. The cloth was a heavy one.

"I gotchu." Jay tugged it back on the other side.

Audrey made a face. "That's the car you want to take me back in?" She tutted.

Mal had enough. "Unless you want to swim!" She fired back, throwing her arms up in annoyance.

Ben pulled her close to calm her down before turning towards Audrey. You could tell he was slowly developing a deep hatred for her. "This is my father's car. He's expecting you back in the castle, so I suggest you get a move on." He paused, before adding, "I don't usually use my title against anyone, but I order you to please at least behave yourself."

Audrey didn't look very happy at the statement.

Carlos appeared next to me. "Someone's getting fed up." He laughed lightly.

"Aren't we all?" I answered, before giving him a friendly punch on the shoulder, "Told you it would just be a quick trip."

He just smiled at me in response.

Jay and Evie finally managed to haul the cover completely off the vehicle and Ben started ushering us in.

Suddenly, Mal let out a cry and fell to the ground, holding her head in her hands.

"Mal?" Evie and I said at the same time, alarmed.

"Mal!" Ben knelt beside her.

Mal had her eyes squeezed shut. "Ma-Maleficent." She managed through gritted teeth.

"She's using her magic on her. She knows we're here." Jay said, panicky.


"Get her into the car right now." Ben demanded, lifting Mal up by the arms, "Maleficent wouldn't be able to reach her if we make it past the barrier."

Suddenly, Mal stopped wailing and she stood upright, almost knocking Ben over. She looked mortified. I watched as she slowly turned towards me, eyes full of terror.

Why was she looking at me like that?


I barely had any time to register her words before I heard it myself. The loud screeching came, filling my head and causing my ears to ring. The pain became executing and I felt myself collapse, my hands holding both sides of my head like it was about to explode with all the noise.

Suddenly I couldn't feel, or hear my friends... or see, since I had my eyes snapped shut. My head throbbed with agony. What was Maleficent doing to me?

Somehow, amongst everything, I heard Maleficent's real voice.

Greetings Isle Orphan...

Her voice sounded raspy.

"Get out of my head!" I felt myself scream. But no sound came out.

I'm so glad you're back on the Isle... I have a little secret to tell you...

"Leave me alone!" I screamed. Again, it seemed like it was drowned by all the chaotic noise.

Don't you want to know my little secret?

I tried shutting her out. Like somehow I could cut out the magic she was using on me. "I don't want to know!"

I'm sure you want to know, Orphan...

I don't. I don't. I don't.

I know where your mother is.

And suddenly, the world became clear as a whistle again. The noise was gone, though the ringing was still in my ears, and I could see myself slumped on the ground. Carlos was half-holding me in his arms. I guess I had fell backwards towards-


A damn second.

What did Maleficent just tell me?!

"Brae? Brae!" Carlos was yelling.

I looked up and saw all the worried expressions on their faces. I stared back, completely speechless.

"Did it stop?" Jay was asking.

I nodded weakly. Next thing I knew, Carlos picked me up and placed me in the middle seat of the car. The last thing I heard was the scurry of people into the vehicle and Ben's voice as he spoke urgently into his device while he started the car.

"We're heading back. I need the Fairy Godmother pronto. We've got a situation."

My vision became blurry and I was devoured into a dark tunnel before I could have another thought.

When I finally came to, the voices around me were painfully loud.

"Well, screw that." I heard Carlos' voice. He sounded uncharacteristically angry.

"Carlos, calm down." It was Evie.

"We shouldn't have gone back." Carlos raged on, "I'm an idiot... an idiot!"

"Carlos, we're all pissed, okay?" Jay said, "But can you please stop beating yourself up about this?"

"Look at her!"

I wondered if he was referring to me. I moved my hand and felt something soft... like cotton, or a duvet. I eventually had to force my eyes open.

How many times have I passed out this month?

Again, they were all loosely gathered around me. Evie was to my left, sitting next to the bed. Jay had his back against the wall, and Carlos was prancing around, his movements stiff with frustration.

"Evie?" I mumbled, propping myself up.

All three of their heads whipped around towards me.

"Thank merryweather you're awake." Evie exclaimed, breathing out a sigh of relief.

Jay had his hair up in a bun. "Don't worry, Fairy Godmother fixed you back up." He told me, moving closer, "Do you remember what happened?"

I thought long and hard. Just as I was about to shake my head no, it all suddenly came rushing back. I sat up sharply.

I know where your mother is.

Was I hallucinating? Was Maleficent just trying to get in my head? Was it a lie? Did I even care?

Jay was snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Brae? You good?"

"Ye-yeah." I said shakily, "I feel fine."

Evie turned to Jay. "Do you think Mal's awake too?"

"Probably." Jay answered, "You sure you're okay, Brae?"

I nodded.

"We're gonna go check on Mal. She's in another room." Evie said to me, squeezing my hand extra tightly, "Is that okay?"

I nodded again.

"You guys go ahead." Carlos spoke up, "I'll catch y'all later."

Jay patted him on the back, giving him a knowing and pitiful look as he whispered something. Carlos just nodded in response. Evie squeezed my hand one last time and left the room, Jay closing the door behind him.

Thank you for all the views and votes. I literally squeal whenever I see the notifications and it means the world. Just, thank you so incredibly much.

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