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I'm rotten to the core, who could ask for more?
I'm nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door...

THE CAR ride was incredibly awkward for me. Carlos was busy stuffing his face with brown pieces of candy, announcing to everyone how sweet it was. It's chocolate. I've heard of it before but have never seen one. Carlos had it all over his fingers, his mouth and leather clothing. I was attempted to follow his lead, but I didn't want to appear as anything more than the cold girl everyone met a few hours ago. Jay was teasing Carlos again, his grin plastered on his face. Evie seemed to be daydreaming as she nervously tugged on her skirt, probably about princes and castles. Mal was trying to start a conversation with the driver, but failed.

I felt strange, watching them. I don't usually interact with kids my age, or any age actually. It felt like I was studying their every move. Like I was trying to understand my own species.

Today started out very differently than I have planned.

We were driving over a magical bridge. It shimmered ever so lightly, sometimes it became transparent, like we were flying.

When we finally stopped, there were trumpets playing outside, and people in uniforms. There were gardens and fountains of fresh water.

If it wasn't for the very sudden halt of the car, I would've thought I was dreaming.

One by one, we climbed out, unsure of what to expect. Mal, however, was as confident and driven as ever.

The scent that enveloped me was beautiful. I almost got lost in it before Jay and Carlos brought me back to reality.

"Hey!" Carlos yelled, jerking a nicely cleaned towel out of Jay's hands, "You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?"

Jay pinned him down with his foot, clutching onto a handful of random items he had found in the car.

A woman dressed in light blue approached us with her arms spread.

"Guys." Mal hissed at them, "We have an audience."

The woman smiled nervously at Jay and Carlos. "Leave it like you found it." She singsonged, "And by that I mean just leave it."

Jay frowned, then threw everything he planned to steal back into the car. A boy and a girl stood behind the women, all dressed equally finely. I looked around, the expressions people had on their faces were either curiosity or discomfort.

"Welcome to Auradon Prep." The woman said, "I'm the Fairy Godmother. Head mistress." She did a little curtsy.

"The Fairy Godmother?" I was taken back, "as in... bibbidi bobbidi boo?"

"Bibbidi bobbidi you know it." She answered, as chirpy as ever.

"You know," Mal cut in, almost shoving me aside, "I always wondered how it was, for Cinderella, when you- um, appeared out of no where. With your wand and your warm smile... and your wand."

God, this girl was trying too hard.

The case was quickly dismissed when the boy stepped up. He was in a blue suit and he carried himself in a polite manner.

"It's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben." He started.

"Prince!" The girl next to him blurted out, "Prince Benjamin." As if she couldn't make it more clearer, "Son of Belle and the Beast. Soon to be king!"

I can feel Evie's energy radiating off her as she gave me a look and squealed slightly. I raised my eyebrows.

"This is Audrey." Ben continued before once again being cut off by her.

"Princess Audrey!" She said, "His girlfriend." She reached over to Ben and grabbed his hand, holding it extra tightly, "I'm sleeping beauty's daughter."

This time Mal gave me a look. And we both rolled our eyes. She was the definition of stuck-up.

The Fairy Godmother separated their hands, as if sensing our annoyance. "The doors of wisdom are always open!"

The people gathered behind her continued to stare. Fairy Godmother started to lead them away, but only after reminding us we have a curfew in Auradon.

Once everyone was gone, Ben started telling us how happy he was to have us and what a momentous occasion it was. He reached for my hand... and shook it. Then went on to shake the hands of the rest of us. I could tell some of them were just as confused as I was.

Was shaking people's hands a thing here?

Ben and Audrey led us into the garden towards the school.

"It's Braelyn, right?" Ben asked.

I turned to him, giving him a look of displeasure. "No one calls me that." I told him.

"Oh." He was genuinely surprised, "What do you want me to call you?"

"Isle orphan!" Jay shouted from the back.

I didn't even bother to glare at him. "I don't usually talk to anyone." I explained hastily, "So please leave me alone."

"Have a little respect." Audrey said.

"Audrey it's okay." Ben told her, before turning to me again, "We'll give you space."

We continued down our path.

"What's that?" Evie asked, pointing at the state that stood in the middle.

Ben smiled as if he was hoping someone would ask. He clapped his hands loudly, and almost instantly the statue of a man magically turned into a statue of a beast.

Carlos screamed.

I turned around to see the boy jump into Jay's arms, wrapping his arms around Jay's head like his life depended on it.

Ben laughed. "Carlos. It's okay." He said, "My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible."

"Does he shed much?" Mal asked half jokingly.

"Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch." Ben answered.

Mal looked at him. And Ben grinned back. It was obvious he was joking. Jay pushed Carlos off him.

We walked inside. Two sets of grand staircases were built on both sides of the elegant room. It smelled like fine wood. I tugged at the hem of my shirt to cover up the handle of my knife.

"Doug!" Ben called.

A boy with glasses answered, making his way down the stairs. I recognized him from the band that welcomed us earlier.

"This is Doug." He said, putting an arm around the brown haired boy, "He can help you with your schedules. And show you to your dorms."

What are dorms?

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