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Would you rescue me?
Would you get my back?
Would you take my call when I start to crack?

TWELVE HOURS felt like twelve years. Minutes stretched into decades. I had fallen asleep in Carlos' arms somehow. When I woke up, my mind was foggy and full of holes. It took my brain a second to realize what I was doing in this small area of space, then another second to realize Carlos was no where in sight.

The answer was obvious: Cruella had taken him, and my dumb self managed to sleep through it.

It was so cold and awfully quiet, time was lost in a haze. I got so bored of my worried thoughts that I started counting the number of scratches on the walls. Something told me this was once a bear cage, rather than a dressing room. My stomach growled angrily. I'd do anything for a can of soup right now.

Unless it's vegetable soup. I'll pass.

Out of no where, I heard the pounding of footsteps. It was so faint I thought I was hallucinating. But then it got louder and louder... until it was right outside the-

Cruella flung the door open.

"Get up!" She demanded, grabbing my arm.

My first instinct was to fight- the dagger was strapped inside my trousers, but I didn't have the strength to. Letting her haul me up, I almost hit my head on the door frame. She sure was in a rush.

The expression on her face puzzled me. There was determination and... fear? Where's Carlos?

"Move it, orphan. Or I'll beat the devil out of you."

I picked up the speed. I was marched through rooms I've never been in, but I didn't have the time to get a good look. She yanked me along, down the rickety stairs until we got to the trapdoor in the basement. The outlines of Jay, Mal, Evie and Carlos were at the bottom, which both delighted and confused me. We all made eye contact, a flash of concern on our features.

Cruella gave me a shove and I went flying in. Jay managed to steady me before I hit the bottom. The trapdoor was closed shut and I heard Cruella hurry away.

"Are you alright?" Jay asked. I felt his hand on my shoulder.

I nodded quickly, though I knew he couldn't see. The dark had engulfed us completely. "What's happening?" I asked.

"I heard my mom talking." Evie answered, reaching blindly towards me, "Apparently we've been ordered to go back to Auradon."

"Ben..." Mal added. I could hear the smile in her voice.

"He must've found a way to prove us innocent." Jay spoke, "It's a dang miracle."

Evie continued. "I'm guessing they're hiding us so we can't be taken away."

"We have to get out." I said, lifting my arms up and feeling for the trapdoor.

"It's locked." I heard Carlos say.

I proceeded to locate the edge of the trapdoor and took out my dagger. Thank god for Lonnie. I started poking at the rim of our only escape.

"What're you doing, Brae?" Mal asked, hearing me shuffle around but unable to see.

"I'm trying to wrench the trapdoor open. If Ben's really here to save us, I'm not taking my chances."

"Wait!" I heard Jay whisper-shout, then someone yanking me down to the floor, "I think I hear someone. Sh."

I stilled. He was right- someone's coming.

"What do you mean they're not here?" came a voice.


"I wish I could help you, sir." The Evil Queen said, "But I'm afraid they've ran away."

"We haven't seen them." Jafar added.

"Liar." Jay muttered under his breath.

Their voices were muffled. We had to find a way to get Ben to come down to the basement.

Mal was the first to start shouting. "Ben! Ben!" Within seconds, all five of us were yelling at the top of our lungs.

"What's that shouting?" came a new voice.


Several sets of footsteps came heavily down the stairs until I was almost positive that they were standing above us. I stood up again and stabbed the dagger through the side of the trapdoor.

"Hm?" Ben sounded startled.

"Isn't that the dagger I gave Brae?" I heard Lonnie say.

"Ben!" Mal shouted again.


"We're down here!" Evie added.

Within seconds, the trapdoor was forced open, and both familiar and unfamiliar faces peered down on us.

Lonnie let slip a gasp when she saw our condition. "What-"

I hadn't have the chance to get a good look at the others' wounds until now... and I didn't know if I wanted to look.

"Let's not talk about that now." Mal heaved, grabbing hold of Lonnie's outstretched hand and allowing her to pull her up, "Thanks."

I was the next one out. A few soldiers stood expressionless around us. I wonder where the parents are.

"Gosh, Mal." Ben had his hands on her face, which was slightly bruised, "What did they do to you? Are you okay?"

"I am." Mal replied, squeezing one of his hands.

Their intimacy threw me off. Did I miss something?

Evie, Mal and Carlos had cuts and bruises all over their arms and legs. The black and blue colors disgusted me.

"I have people holding off your parents." Ben told us, confirmed by the screaming Maleficent from above, "We're taking you back to Auradon."

Carlos breathed the biggest sigh of relief.

"They found Maleficent's spellbook in the museum." Ben explained, "Fairy Godmother proved you innocent." His voice wavered. "I'm sorry it took so long for us to get to you... I didn't expect it to be this bad. What did they do to you?"

No one wanted to reply.

Lonnie shot up. "Where are they?" She demanded, her tone suggesting she wanted more than just a casual visit.

"We're okay now, Lonnie." Jay said, "Let's just please get out of here." I nodded in agreement.

"Y'all are taking a trip to the nurse as soon as we get back." Lonnie replied, before starting up the stairs.

I put an arm around Evie's shoulder when I noticed she was limping.

"Are you okay?" I whispered to her as I helped her up the steps, trying to push down my sudden anger and frustration towards the Evil Queen.

"Could be better." She mumbled, flinching every time she put pressure on her left foot, "You?"

"Compared to you guys, yeah." I told her, feeling a tad guilty.

Four figures stood outside, glaring at us. I almost, just almost, laughed at how powerless they looked now, held in place by a handful of soldiers.

"You'll be sorry!" Maleficent shouted. Her eyes were a fiery green, and so were Mal's. They were unknowingly fighting a battle of their own.

I wanted to fire a remark back at her, but decided not to make things worse.

We walked out and I could tell we were all thinking the same thing: never to come back.


I apologize for the crappy chapter. I'm motivated, just really mentally tired. Thank you for still reading :)

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